twenty two

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"Noelle, right?"

If I run into any more of the Styles' family, I will personally rip off my face.

I turn my head to see Harry's mom. Right here. In the produce section of the grocery store.

"Yeah, that's me." I laugh a little.

"I was wondering, how do you know Harry?"

"Oh, um-" How do I know Harry? "We have a class together. My best friend is friends with his friend, just, um...yeah. Mutual friends? I guess."

Why am I so awkward?

"What class?"


"Ah, okay. Are you a senior too?"

"No, I'm a junior." I nod and smile. I'm grabbing tomatoes, at my mom's request, and I can feel his mom's eyes on me. This is so uncomfortable.

"So are you two are just friends?" I snap my head at her.

"Um, kinda, I guess, yeah." Even though he had his tongue down my throat last week. We're currently on Thanksgiving break, so lucky me: I don't have to face Harry.

"Kinda?" She gives me narrowed eyes and a small smile.

"Not like that." I laugh. "We're just not close friends is all."

"Oh okay. Harry's the type of boy to mess around with girls, that much I know." She says as she starts grabbing-

what is that? Cucumber?

-and putting them in a bag.

"Don't let that drive you away." She finishes.

Wait what?"

"He has a big heart. He really does." She explains, keeping her eyes focused on the bag.

"We're just, uh," I suck at talking, "friends. You know, that's all."

"Okay. I'm just saying. He has a tendency to keep distance from the good ones."

"What do you mean?" I laugh slightly and put a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"You don't seem like Harry's usual type." I keep quiet. "Just...don't give up on him. On Harry. He's not as bad as he tries to seem." I give her a small smile and nod. "Hope I'll see you around." I give her another nod and a smile.

Don't count on it.


"Happy Thanksgiving!" Greetings are shouted throughout the house as more family pours in. I hug my cousin, Jess, and my phone dings.


harry styles

harry fucking styles


what about him

terrence said he asked about you


what did he say

hold on

okay so terence was texting harry about going to eat in a couple days with our group of friends like last time and I guess harry asked if you'd be there

so terrence texted me and asked if you guys were like a thing because he didn't know and stuff

that's weird

no that's good

well idk why

can't you just be excited with me

it's not that exciting

are you crazy???

he probably just asked because like

idk we're friends

you and harry? friends?? when did this happen wtf


let me be and enjoy my thanksgiving!! please!

whatever jerk

but i'm telling terrence you'll be there so he can tell harry okay xoxo bye

I roll my eyes and shove my phone in my pocket. I don't want to go to some stupid restaurant where Harry's gonna be. But he asked if I'd be there. I smile at the thought, but replace it with an eye roll. He has his reasons, I'm sure.


And he did have his reasons:

He didn't come.

I'm sitting at the end of the table like last time, head in hand, disappointed. I try to convince myself that I'm not disappointed, but it doesn't work.

I don't like Harry. Why would I? I met him only two months ago. That's like nothing. And half the time he's a total jerk. I don't have a reason to like him.

"Hey..." Mo leans over and whispers. "I think Grant's doing drugs."

"What?" I snap my head at her.

"Yeah." She raises her eyebrows and purses her lips.


"I'm really not sure. Maybe he's stressed."

"How do you know he is?"

"Found it in his room." I raise my eyebrows in shock. Grant never seemed like the type to become a drug addict. But then again, who ever does?

"That's crazy."

"I know. I hate him and all, but he's my brother, you know? I feel bad for him." She shrugs.

"Yeah." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Okay, so guys!" Terrence speaks up. "Party at Harry's! Tomorrow night!" He puts up a thumbs up, earning more thumbs ups from most everybody else.

"Why is it always at Harry's?" I mumble.

"Terrence's house is too rich and clean." Mo rolls her eyes.

"I'm not gonna go this time."

"You have to! Why not?" Mo pouts.

"I just don't feel like partying!"

"Please come! Please!"


"You have to!"

"I'm not giving in this time."

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