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"I can't believe Halloween is this month." Mo says with a smile as she puts her textbooks in her locker. Harry ended up not throwing a party this past weekend, and we haven't talked much since he made our friendship official-

who calls it "making a friendship official?" Me, I guess

-mostly because we haven't done group work at all in math. We're clearly not close friends nor will we ever be, but I guess we're friends? He literally said we are, yet for some reason I'm still hesitant to call it that.

Anyway, considering Harry started school here in September, which was three weeks ago, it makes sense that Halloween is this month. It still seems like it went by too fast, but it's only a couple weeks away.

"We should try to go to a party." Mo suggests.

"We never go to parties." I point out.

"Maybe we should start."

"I guess." I shrug. "It's still almost three weeks away."

"I know. We have time to get invited by someone. Maybe you'll get invited by your new friend. Harry."

"Probably not." I laugh and roll my eyes. "Why did you say 'friend' like that?"

"I know all too well that you wanna jump on him every chance you get."

"Not true." I roll my eyes. "I seriously don't feel like I wanna date him. I thought I would, but I just don't!"

"That's just weird." Mo shakes her head.

"I know! Trust me, I know. I guess I just don't see him like that."

"I think I need to take you to the eye doctor."

"It's not all about looks, Mo." I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"I'm just saying. At least he's giving you the time of day. He didn't give me any attention at all, or Tasha, as you told me. It takes a lot to catch his eye."

"I didn't catch his eye, Mo. And besides, he literally slept with Tasha."

"A one-night stand. At least you got a relationship with him."

"It's not a relationship."

"So it's not an intimate relationship. A friendship is a relationship, Noelle."

"I guess. But we're not close. At all."

"Still. Take advantage of that. At least he payed attention to you long enough to consider you a friend." I shrug and we walk into the cafeteria.

"So you don't really update me on Terrence. Ever." I bring up the subject I'd be wondering about for a while.

"He messes around with girls, that's it. Kinda had a thing for him for a little bit, we sorta hooked up that night, but we're just friends now."

"Maybe you can change him." I say all sappy-like.

"No, no." She laughs and rolls her eyes. "I'm gonna find me a man who's gonna treat me right."

"That's my girl." I high-five her and sit down.

"Monica." Terrence approaches us in a rushed tone.


"Pretend to be my girlfriend for a second." Mo just rolls her eyes. "I told this friend with benefits of mine that I have a girlfriend now because I thought she moved away but turns out she was just on vacation and she was never really that good and I wanna get her off me since my excuse that I just don't wanna isn't enough for her and you're the first person I saw so-"

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