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Halloween is tomorrow. The past few weeks have been weird in terms of Harry. He was quiet and rude before I knew him, then he was actually kind of friendly when he wanted to be, and now he's quiet and rude again. We haven't talked much in the past couple of weeks, but when we have, he's sure to make it quick and simple. I don't know if something's wrong or if it's just another mood swing of his. Either way, it's not my place to ask. I get the feeling we're not really friends.

Anyways, Mo and I are going to a party Terrence is throwing. At Harry's house once again. The party is tomorrow; a Halloween party of course. Terrence has made sure to tell everybody that they have to dress up or else they won't be let in.

Mo and I are both going in Purge masks, and I can't help but wonder what Harry will be dressed as.

"Tomorrow night will be so much fun!" Mo claps her hands.

"When did we start going to parties? I never even knew big high school parties really existed until last month." I say as I scan the cafeteria. My eyes land on Harry, who's sitting with Terrence and his friends. He's looking down at his phone like he has been everyday for the past few weeks.

"We're gonna look hot as fuck." Mo nods and I laugh. "Lunch is over already?" Mo pouts when the bell rings.

"I'll see you after school." I tell her.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, bye." I walk to my math class, the worst class of the day. I quickly go to my seat and sit down, ready to get today over with.

"Group work today! Choose your groups!" I sigh. Harry makes no effort to move and when the teacher tells him to join a group he says a simple "No."

"Do you want to be sent to the office?"

"I don't care." And with that, she sends him to the office. Over group work? Really?

And I'm still wondering what he thought of the Disney movies.


I look over myself in the mirror. I have my hair in pigtails, a ripped up white shirt with fake blood on it, and the rest was all Mo's idea: black shorts on top of fishnet tights.

Personally, I wouldn't ever choose to wear something like that. I would've much rather worn black jeans. Mo, however, disagreed. She wanted to wear the fishnets, but 'didn't want to be the only one wearing them.'

The drive there isn't too long, and I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach, but try my best to ignore it.

We walk in the house, that was already unlocked, with our masks on. At least no one will recognize me.

I notice Harry standing in the kitchen. He has face make up on, and is wearing a black shirt and black jeans.

He looks hot.

There's a girl in the kitchen making a drink wearing the exact same thing, with similar makeup. Maybe he has a girlfriend no one knew about? I furrow my eyebrows and ignore it.

But I do take time to notice how good the makeup looks; whoever did the makeup deserves a gold star.

"Terrence is over there." Mo says and I follow her to the kitchen. She takes off her mask. I don't notice at first, but when I do, I snatch mine off. I already feel weird enough here.

"First Noel! Hey! You look smokin'." The one and only Terrence says. I roll my eyes, something I find myself doing quite a lot recently. "Let me get you girls a drink." Mo follows him and I stay put. A small part of me expects Harry to hand me a water bottle, but he doesn't, and of course I'm too socially awkward to get one for myself. It's literally just opening a fridge. I can do this.

teenage dirtbag • h.s.Where stories live. Discover now