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"chaeyoungie, sweetie, how's school?" my mother asked me, showing a heartwarming smile. her smiles bring one to my face, i can't hold it back. "it's good, eomma. my grades are stable and i'm passing my classes." i stated confidently.

what they didn't know was that i'm being bullied. they don't need to know. i'll be strong for them.

i listened to her motherly laugh, "aigoo, my baby is all grown up.~~" she cooed. i shyly smiled, and playfully hit her shoulder. "stop itt."

"yahh, show me love too." my father pouts, jokingly. we laughed altogether. "you and appa are honestly goals. i strive to be like you two, in the futuree." i confessed.

maybe i said something wrong. i thought. my parents had an unreadable expression on their faces. "sorry.." i said, rather lightly. they, suddenly, started chuckling. "honey, you're old enough for a boyfriend. when are you gonna bring a boy home? we want grand babies.~"

"noo, too fast. besides, i'm not interested in anyone at the moment. nor is anyone interested in me." i quickly stated, shaking my head.

they looked at me in disbelief, "what?" i asked. "how could no one like you?! my daughter is so beautiful!!" they both crushed me into a hug. "haha, no, i'm not." i rejected their compliment, chuckling.

"don't say that, chaeyoung. i overhear many people compliment you on the streets." my mother scolded, playfully but strictly. "you're beautiful. don't ever think otherwise." my father joined, shortly after.

a bright smile was now visible on my face. "thank you, guys. i love you two so much." they both smiled lovingly, "anything for our daughter." they said, before engulfing me into a hug full of warmth and love.

i wish we could stay like this forever.
on my way home from school, i received a call. i answered, assuming it was my mother. "eomma-!!" i greeted, happily but was soon cut off by someone, other than my mother.

"park chaeyoung? daughter of mrs. park minhae?" a woman asked me. i looked at the caller ID, and it was another number. "uhm, yes?" i answered, embarrassed.

i heard her sigh over the line, "i'm sorry to tell you that, both your parents have been in a car accident." hearing that line, my breath hitched and i froze. "both were severely injured, and were transferred to the hospital. but, unfortunately, they didn't make it. i'm sorry, ms. park."

"t-thank you for informing me.." with that said, she hung up. i didn't realise that tears were streaming down my face. this is not true, right? they have to be alive. i rushed home, looking for them.

entering the house, i yelled out, "eomma!! appa!!" i waited for awhile, hoping that i'd get an answer back. no one was heard, and i pulled out my phone, quickly dialling my mother. "eom-" i was cut off by her voicemail, "ma.."

i ended the call, "she's just busy, right? haha.. let's call appa." i let out a nervous laugh, pressing my father's caller ID. again, it brought me to his voicemail. after countless times of calling them, i gave up and decided to accept it. they really are gone, aren't they? i thought to myself.

that's when all my hopes dropped. i cried myself to sleep, but went to school the next morning, like nothing happened.


the family photos are precious items to me now. they're always with me, i have to take, at least, one with me, whenever i go out. there's one in my locker, one in my backpack, and many of them in my house. especially, in my room.

it's been about two months, and since then, no one knows about their deaths. i kept it to myself. i maintained my grades, cause if any of them drops- people will start suspecting something's going on.

"found you.~" the owner of the voice spoke, wrapping his arms around me in the process. i grimaced, already knowing who the person was. "what do you want now, bang chan." i said coldly, not bothering to look back.

i heard him and his little group, lightly laugh. soon after, he pushed me harshly against the lockers, causing me to wince. he, then, grabbed my bag and started dropping every book out of it.

he continued shaking my bag, and i prayed that my family picture wouldn't fall out. thank god it didn't.

"you're so plain, chaeyoung. there's literally no happiness inside of you." his group maknae, jeongin, said. everyone nodded in agreement. i glared at every one of the members, "yeah, there's no happiness because you guys literally take it away from me."

i glared at chan as he chuckled, "cmon, princess, we're making it more fun for you." he said with a smirk.

i hate you the most, bang chan.

well,, here's the first chapter of mr bullyyy~ & omg my fellow stays, don't you just love their comeback?? "my pace" is definitely my go to song now, if that's a thing haha.

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