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the group chatters at their table in the cafeteria. all of them were just talking, laughing, and messing around with eachother. everyone took glances at them every once in awhile. them sitting in the cafeteria with the rest of the students was not something you saw everyday. everyone was shocked when they walked through the doors, it was as if a celebrity had walked in, except it was just the well-known group of the school.

weeks had passed ever since their little play date at the park with the kids. jieun seemed to back off as well. which was a good thing. she never sent glares in chaeyoung's direction anymore, instead the glares were replaced with soft looks of guilt. it would always cause chaeyoung's smile to falter whenever she saw this look; she didn't exactly know how to feel.

"chae? something wrong?" the dimpled boy asked softly, causing his girlfriend to snap out of her thoughts. "huh? oh sorry, i was just thinking." she lightly chuckled at him, waving it off. chaeyoung didn't want to bring on the topic of jieun at the table, knowing how much the boys dislike her. she scooted closer to chan, leaning her head lightly on his shoulder, causing the group to gag; secretly smiling inside.

the bell rings, signalling that their lunch period was over. however, instead of going to class; the group of teenagers had other plans. "skip?" a little word like that caused a smirk to be shared throughout the table. as they stood up, gathering their things, it looked as if they were just heading to their next class. but in reality, they were ditching the rest of the day.

chaeyoung laced her fingers with chan's, swinging their hands back and forth with a bright smile on her face. the group walked through the halls, and turning the corner, chaeyoung caught a glimpse on jieun. the girl in the distance stared at the group as they walked by, locking eyes with her former bestfriend. the bright smile on chae's face faltered when locking eyes with the girl's. suddenly she was filled with guilt.

was i too harsh? she thought, but shook her head lightly. no, i changed her back.

chaeyoung gave a small closed-lip smile to her, which she nervously returned. the group then left campus, chattering away. the girl was lucky that the boys didn't notice her little interaction with jieun. if they did, they'd probably bombard her with millions of questions. their day wasn't bad; maybe just a little too long for their liking. classes were a pain to endure, with all the lectures and notes to take. not every class they had was together, so not every class was entertaining.

teachers grew accustomed to their behaviour, so they learned to leave the group alone. nothing they said could stop them, so they gave up a long time ago. students watched as they walked away from campus, some not even glancing at them. this was normal, so they walked away to classes without saying anything.

during their walk to the boys' dorm, chaeyoung couldn't help but think about jieun. it seems she's changed alot these past few days. chaeyoung would probably even take her back as her friend, seeing as she's no longer glaring. this was a constant battle in her mind; she didn't know which instinct to go with: the one that tells her that jieun will never come back and that she shouldn't fall for her tricks, or the one that tells her to fuck it and take back her beloved childhood bestfriend that seemed to change.

chaeyoung let out a soft sigh, blocking out her thoughts for awhile. she decided that she'll think about this in bed, when all her thoughts seemed to go wild. for now, she wanted to spend time with her group of friends.


the decision was made and finally settled. chaeyoung had voiced her thoughts to the boys that night, causing a big disagreement to occur. but upon seeing their female friend's determination in her choice, they decided to let loose and trust her, hoping that this would be a right choice to make.

they all kept their guard up as chae walked in front with jieun beside her. the boys were cautious, they still didnt trust jieun, and they definitely held onto their little disliking towards the girl. everything she had done will not be forgotten, especially what she did to chaeyoung. but it seems that their female friend had let that past her, and welcomed the girl in open, forgiving arms. she was too kind, forgiving the girl that easily. the guilt had really gotten to her.

with graduation around the corner, they all chose to relax and let it go with the flow. but if anything happened, the boys were always ready to act, protecting the girl in every possible way. finals were a week ahead, causing the group to mentally groan. the exhaustion of the future was already released into their bodies as they await their vigorous study sessions.

"can't believe we're graduating soon, huh, ji?" chaeyoung smiled ahead, glancing at the girl next to her as they walked. jieun turned to her, returning a small smile, "yeah, it went by pretty fast." the boys shared occasional small words with jieun, but none of them had really had a full on conversation with the girl. they left all the talking to their friend, who was walking in front of them, next to the girl they weren't pleased to be with.

for now, they didn't want to be stuck up on their dislike towards the girl; not with finals coming up. they decided to study it out. of course with chaeyoung around, the other girl was also present as well. jieun hadn't done anything yet, so the boys ignored her presence as they all studied together in the school library.

i hate school :/
heyy , the book's coming to an end soon ! thank god , fuck i really cant stand this book anymore :')

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