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silence engulfed them as chaeyoung kneeled down, placing the bouquets gently onto the stones.

the boys' eyes softened at the sight and, they were startled when the girl spoke up.

"it's been one year, and i miss you two a lot," she said softly, chewing on her bottom lip nervously as she continues,

"i made friends though," she smiled, "they're all boys, but that's okay.. right dad?"

chaeyoung's bottom lip then started to quiver as she thought of her deceased parents, "i remember when you asked me when i was going to bring someone home."

chan's ears perked up at the statement, listening closely.

"i.. got a boyfriend, mom."

her eyes glossed as she continued, "i wanted you to meet him. before as my bestfriend, but now as my boyfriend,"

the boys looked at chan and saw a sad look plastered on his face.

"mom, he's chan. the dimpled boy that i always talked to you about. the one you claimed you wanted to be," chaeyoung choked on a sob, "your son.."

chan's eyes widened and the boys covered their mouths. they were shocked.

the girl sobbed on her parents' graves, unable to say anything else. chan eventually crouched down, rubbing chaeyoung's back whilst looking at the graves.

"hello, mr. and mrs. park," chan started, "i'm your daughter's boyfriend."

he chuckled softly, "i regret many things i did to her in the past, and i hope you can forgive me for that,"

the girl sniffled, blinking her tears away. chan kissed her forehead, continuing, "i love her with all my heart, and i thank you for blessing me with your daughter."

chan helped his girlfriend up as he stood up. he and the boys bowed and as if they rehearsed it, they chorused,

"rest in peace, mr. and mrs. park"
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there was a slight tension in the atmosphere of the household. the boys refused to leave chaeyoung's side after witnessing her breakdown the other day. they stayed within her residence, also giving her room to breathe. the one boy who never left her side was her beloved boyfriend, chan.

"chan, you really don't need to be with me 24/7. i'm fine on my own, i'm used to it."

the boy furrowed his brows at her statement. "no," he started, "i want to be. and you should start getting used to me being around you. i'm not leaving your side."

hearing her boyfriend's words, along with his firm, reassuring voice, made her heart race. she never knew that she could fall in love so hard. the thought itself of him leaving her crushed her heart into little pieces. "whatever, don't be flirty with me." the light coral colour dusted upon her cheeks as she looked away from him. chan chuckled, finding it cute how she tried to stop herself from becoming soft. she failed.

chaeyoung's smile forms quite quickly upon hearing chan's laugh. she hates it because it's so cheesy, but it's chan, so she lets it slide. chaeyoung moves closer to chan, wrapping her arms around his waist softly. "did your mom really say she wanted me as her son?" chan asked, out of the blue. the question caught chaeyoung off guard, so she hesitated for a slight moment.


chan giggled, looking at her, "i never knew you talked about me." the girl blushed, "shut up, i had a big crush on you when we were little." chan cupped chaeyoung's cheeks, squishing them cutely, as he smiled cheekily. "when we get married, i'll become her son in law."
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the couple walked into the living room, where the rest of the boys were. they were engaged in a small conversation, which quickly withdrew when they noticed the couple had entered the room. they stared at them as they walked in, talking. when chaeyoung looked over, she noticed their stares which creeped her out a little. "hey, would you stop staring? it's a little creepy."

her comment made chan laugh. the sound lightened up the awkward atmosphere. the boys let out a nervous chuckle, "right, sorry." they were a bit stiff, unsure of the situation, but it quickly melted when the couple plopped onto the couch with them. "how are you feeling?" seungmin asked, speaking for the boys. chaeyoung smiled, "i'm not sick, seungmin, i'm fine. you guys helped a lot by staying here with me," she looked at them, "thank you."

the boys smiled, responding with variations of, "it's not a problem!" , "don't worry about it." , "of course!"

conversations spewed out here and there, the household became livelier within a span of just a few minutes. it was as if there was a missing piece, that was soon found when their female friend had come back smiling again. it was a different feeling for the boys, but for chaeyoung, it was normal; she was used to it. and the boys were starting to realise that.

but they didn't want her to be used to that feeling. they didn't like that feeling. it ruins people.

"i never said that!" jeongin whined, becoming embarrassed. the boys laughed teasingly, "come on, jeongin, you were so worried about your ice cream!" chaeyoung laughed along, reaching out to pinch jeongin's cheeks. chan sat back and smiled dreamily at the sight of her laughing. how did he get so lucky? his daydreams were cut off as she turned her head to look back at chan. it was like time had stopped for the both of them, like they were the only ones in the room. they smiled, looking at eachother with loving eyes. the boys noticed this and immediately smiled, pointing at them to notify the others who hadn't noticed yet.

the loving moment was shortly cut off by changbin, who, jokingly—and obnoxiously—gagged at the lovey dovey couple. "get a room!" he exclaimed, as the rest of the members followed to tease them by making disgusted facial expressions. the couple just laughed at them, "pfft, you're just jealous!"

as many different topics were being spoken about, the couple took this moment to secretly hold hands. for the rest of the day, they stayed home and spent time together. and it was all worth it, just to see the smile that their female friend has been hiding all these years.

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ohmyofd hii , what it dooo babyy LFMAODKFJ JKJK- accept my apoLOGY IM SOCOSRRY OMF . you guys , so much has happened since i last updated. i really apologise for letting my problems affect my motivation on this story. ill be honest, i actually have no idea where im going with this story. but dont worry ! ill figure something out .
i missed you guys :(( your little , playful threat comments were cute though ahah <3
i hope you enjoyed this chapter !!

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