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from the start, chan has always noticed jieun more than chaeyoung.

it was a normal for chaeyoung to feel this way.

chan would always forget that chaeyoung was here, since jieun would always make everything fun.

hanging out with jieun gave a different feeling to chan.

being with chaeyoung doesn't get him this kind of feeling.

"chris! let's go on a date later!" jieun exclaimed happily.

chan couldn't help but smile, seeing that his girlfriend was excited for the date.

"sure," he said, "where to?"

jieun was quick to reply, "the mall!"

he nodded, taking a seat after walking into his first class.

not a single thought of chaeyoung crossed his mind.


chaeyoung decided to stay home today.

she wasn't feeling well. she looked quite pale.

she changed into a hoodie, big enough to cover her marks.

chaeyoung walked out of room, glancing at the kitchen.

"i.. don't feel hungry." she stated.

the girl walked out of her home, phone in hand, and made her way to the day care.

yeonie wasn't there yet, as she was still at school.

chaeyoung decided to go in for her. she hasn't seen yeonie in awhile.

"miss chae!" the kids yelled excitedly, causing chaeyoung to lightly smile.

they ran to her, forming a big hug, "we missed you!" they yelled.

"i missed you all too." she replied softly.

chaeyoung and the kids have an amazing bond.

sometimes she would be the older sister, and other times she would be the mother.

whatever she did, they love her regardless.

"is miss yeonie still coming to see us?" a girl asked, causing chaeyoung to chuckle, "of course she is. i'm sure she missed you guys too."

hours passed, and chaeyoung played with the kids while waiting for her friend.

the door opened, revealing yeonie in her school uniform.

it took awhile for her to notice that chaeyoung was here.

the biggest smile formed on her face when she saw chaeyoung.

"chae!" she exclaimed, running to her, hugging her.

chaeyoung lightly laughed, "you resemble the kids a lot."

yeonie pouted, "no, they resemble me."

the girls haven't hung out in awhile, causing them to miss out on a lot of things. they conversed over millions of things, including any side conversations. one question from yeonie threw chaeyoung off.


chaeyoung sighed, remembering chan. "yes." she replied, lowly.

the memories rushed back. from the days back in australia, to the days now. nothing was much different. chaeyoung desperately needed someone to talk to, and that someone happened to be there at that moment.

"bang chan," she let out, "he was my bully, but something happened and his group started becoming friends with me."

chaeyoung sighed heavily, as the fun dates rushed back into her head. "we started acting like a couple, and unintentionally, i started to fall for him."

yeonie sat opposite from her, listening closely to every word she was saying. she could sense an itch bothering chaeyoung.

"i believe he started to fall for me too. but that was before jieun came back." chaeyoung said, "jieun was a childhood friend. seeing her close with chan, surprised me. but it was because he was also our childhood friend."

chaeyoung started fidgeting with her fingers, signalling she was getting a bit nervous.

she stuttered, "i-i'd forgotten that jieun and i liked him in the past."

her statement shocked yeonie, a bit. she slowly caught on, matching every piece together. "so this is like some sort of replay?" yeonie asked.

chaeyoung nodded, "it's what it seems like."

"the two are dating now," she bitterly chuckled, "he already forgot about me the moment she step foot into that school."

what chaeyoung said wasn't wrong, but it pained her, knowing that what she said was true.


"babe, let's buy this too!" she exclaimed, causing chan to lightly groan.

his wallet was begging for mercy, yet jieun didn't care. chan followed his girlfriend around, looking like a loyal dog, carrying her shopping bags.

she wasted countless amounts of chan's money, on stuff that she probably wouldn't even touch twice. chan got irritated with her every once in awhile, but her smiles caused them to go away.

after many hours, chan had enough of carrying bags. "time to go home, let's go." he stated, walking away from his girlfriend.

jieun whined, following behind chan.

i guess you could call her a bitch now, looking like the dog she is, following her owner.

when arriving at the boys' dorm, chan and jieun were both seated on the couch. the boys walked by occasionally, glancing at the two before returning to do their own thing.

"jieun, you need to stop wasting money like this. you don't even wear half the clothes i buy for you." chan complained, causing her to whine.

her pout became visible, "but they look nice!"

chan sighed, "they aren't for display in your closet, jieun. if you buy it, then wear it."

jieun nodded, rolling her eyes, "fine."

jeongin was watching from the kitchen, mumbling to himself as he hears the conversation.

"chan hyung would never have a problem like this if he dated chae noona."

hi how's it goin ;) i'm two days late in updating this chapter i know im sorry :')) i tried to make it long for you guys but it's not that long and im gonna cry cous it's so bad. it's currently 5am and i can't sleep *insomnia plays* i took two hours working on this from 3:40 something am to 5am so like,, what is sleep?? :') at moments like these, you can call me chan pfff- im gonna try and sleep now jehghengk

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