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"stop messing around with me, chan." chaeyoung laughed, as chan has been teasing her.

the two have been acting more like a couple, now that they're comfortable with eachother.

both have started developing feelings for eachother, but they try to deny it.

"chaeyoungiee~ you must eat and sleep well~" chan says, in his rubber ducky voice.

the girl facepalms, looking up at chan, "you should sleep too." she said, smirking.

chan looks taken aback, but pouts soon after. "i do sleep! i sleep when i can."

"don't lie, chan." chaeyoung chuckles, "you work so hard for the boys. take some time off for yourself too."

he sighs, looking at chaeyoung, "you know me too well."

they talked and talked, often bickered inside their room, which they shared.

the boys outside, in the living room, watching movies and eating snacks.

the leaders heard many muffled voices, sometimes screams, but thought none of it as woojin was out there to watch them.

however, their attention was lured to the sudden crash of what sounded to be glasses.

they rushed out of their room, worried of what happened.

the boys turned around, seeing their leaders in a panicked state.

on instinct, they point to jisung. the only one standing awkwardly, hands out like he dropped something.

chaeyoung averted her eyes to the floor, right below jisung's hands.

her eyes widen when she sees the glass cups, shattered on the floor.

"jisung, step back. away from the glass." she ordered.

he does as follows, backing up and walking the opposite way to the couch, where the rest of the members were.

chan joined the boys as he sees that chaeyoung already went to pick up the pieces.

she threw the glasses away, into the trashcan.

once again, turning back to the living room to pick up the remaining pieces.

chaeyoung hissed in pain, grabbing the boys' attention.

they all looked over worriedly, but one was faster to react.

chan rushed off the couch and towards chaeyoung.

he grabbed her hand, inspecting it, seeing a cut on her finger.

without saying anything, the boy drags her back into their room and sets her on the bed.

he left to get the first aid kit.

when he came back, he took out everything he "needed".

"chan, it's just a cut." chaeyoung playfully rolled her eyes.

chan pouted, "you're hurt!" causing her to chuckle, as he dug through the kit.

"chan, put the scissors down!!" she screamed, when he pulled out scissors.

he laughed, "i'm just kidding~" the girl sighed in relief.

finally, chan wipes the blood off and sticks a bandaid on her finger.

chaeyoung watched every action he did, admiring him.

the way he paid attention to her wound made her felt cared for.

his furrowed eyebrows when he stuck the bandaid on showed he was concentrating.

chaeyoung thought it was cute, sweet.


the leaders woke up early, making breakfast for the boys.

"pancakes?" chan asked, receiving a shrug from chaeyoung.

they stood there, thinking what the boys would want.

then, they decided to just make pancakes.

"good morninggg!!" the leaders chanted as they spot the boys come into the kitchen.

the younger ones had bright smiles on their faces as they breathed in the scent of their breakfast.

"who's making it?" seungmin asks, making all the eyes go onto chaeyoung.

the girl chuckled, "why'd you all look at me?"

they looked at chan, jokingly cringing at him, "your cooking is better than chan's!!"

chaeyoung laughed at chan as he pouted, slowly laughing afterwards.

"well, sucks for you all, we both made them and they're all mixed up." chan said, pointing at the pancakes.

the boys started questioning which pancake was made by who, only receiving shrugs from both.

they ate their breakfast, sharing with eachother to see which one tastes better.

the leaders laughed, watching as their group bicker over the better.

everyone quickly devoured the pancakes, placing their plates into the sink.

they dressed into their uniform, walking to school.

as they walked into the building, they heard whispers.

like usual, they ignored it, already knowing it was about them.

they went to their classes, chatting about themselves, ignoring the lessons.

the teachers ignored them, knowing it was normal.

it was unfair for the other students, however, stray kids had their special privileges.

they were smarter than the others.

they knew their stuff.

if they were giving a test on the material, they'd ace it, despite not paying attention to the lessons.

lunch came and they shared their snacks.

"thanks." chaeyoung said as she grabbed chips from chan's bag, without asking.

chan stared at her, as she smiled innocently.

he noticed something familiar from her.

it was something he didn't notice before, but he can't seem to remember it.

chan ignored it, lightly hitting her shoulder, "yah! ask first before you take some!"

she laughed, showing her eye smile.

chan's heart fluttered, indicating his feelings for her.

i really do like her. chan thought to himself, as he watched chaeyoung.

the bell rang, signaling that lunch period was over.

their last classes went by fast, leading it to the end of the day.

as they walked into the hall, they, again, heard whispers.

but to their surprise, it wasn't of them.

instead, it was of the new girl.

"chris!!" a girl voice exclaimed excitedly.

as chan turned to see who called him, chaeyoung noticed the familiar tone in the voice, so she turned into that direction as well.

the leaders' eyes widened in shock,


aYYYYEEEEE DKCJSJF HAHAH I BET YOURE CURIOUS ON WHO JIEUN IS— well that's a surprise ;)) the story's gonna be interesting from now on~ i hope oof;; but anywayss,, next chapter will probably explain who mah gurl jieun is ;)) ALSO,, all the characters in this story are made up by me and my friends! besides stray kids ofc;; i understand that some names are similar to other idols but i just randomly thought of the name to use! so no, chaeyoung is not rose from blackpink, seoyeon is not from fromis9, and that little boy yuta is not the idol !! forgive me for confusing you guys, bYE NOW

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