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"hey, wanna go get some ice cream?" hyunjin asked chaeyoung, who was just scrolling through her phone. the girl didn't look up, focusing on the video she was currently watching, "which one?"

felix strolls in with jisung, "the ice cream parlour near the park." then seungmin comes in and leans over her shoulder, glancing at her screen, "come on, it'll be more fun than that video you're watching." chaeyoung hides her phone and turns to seungmin, realising that he was only a few inches away from her face. the two move away immediately, and chaeyoung gets up as the rest of the boys laugh.

her boyfriend joins in when he hears the sound of laughter, "what's going on?" he asks, wrapping an arm around chaeyoung, "you coming for ice cream?" chaeyoung looks up at her boyfriend and smiles, "of course."

the two exit together, leaving the younger boys behind. seungmin glares at the boys who were still laughing, "it's not that funny." jisung, who's choking on air, while holding onto felix, wheezes, "still, if chan hyung saw that , he would've beat your ass."

"okay okay, that's enough jokes," minho comes out with woojin and changbin, "if you want ice cream, you better hurry. i'm sure jeongin and the lovebirds are already half way there."
— ➵
the group is seated at two benches in the park because one is not enough for the ten of them. they all enjoy their ice cream that chaeyoung and chan paid for. it wasn't easy for chan to let his girlfriend pay. in fact, they started bickering about it while nearing to pay. eventually , a solution was brought up that they should just split the bill.

chan still wasn't very satisfied with the idea.

but he pushed it aside when he saw how cute his girlfriend looked when she got to pay half for him. chaeyoung was so happy to help chan pay. she felt like she won a million times and more doing such one simple task. but to her, it wasn't a simple task; it was like,, surpassing jieun in everything—and that's a pretty big deal.

everyone finished their ice creams and ran to the playground. crazy, right? imagine seeing a bunch of teenagers running into a playground full of kids. except these teenagers seem to act more childish than kids themselves. just kidding ahah—maybe.

the children, who were playing, looked over at the group of teens running in their direction. they didn't know if they should run away or ignore them. but they chose to stare as the teenagers got closer.

the little girls were all admiring the older boys as the little boys were looking dreamily at chaeyoung, not yet knowing that she had already belonged to someone else. the parents were seated at picnic tables, not thinking much of the group. there wasn't anything to worry about. i mean, they weren't gonna do anything to the kids.

hyunjin, minho, and felix ran towards the slides as jeongin and seungmin went for the swings. changbin and woojin played around with the monkey bars, leaving chaeyoung and chan alone to sit at an empty bench to watch as they all play around like the other little kids around them.

chaeyoung leaned her head onto chan's shoulder, smiling to herself. this action caused a big smile to erupt on chan's face, and he leans his head softly on top of his girlfriend's head. there was a soft silence between the couple as they watched their friends play with the kids on the playground. then, a voice brings them into focus. they look to the slight side of them and see a bunch of little kids standing there looking at them. they stare at eachother for awhile before a little boy speaks up. "noona, you're pretty."

that comment sparks an agreement between the group of kids around them, and chaeyoung smiles, cupping the face of the little boy. "what's your name, little one?" the boy looks at her with sparkling eyes, as if to say "wow, a goddess is before me." but he smiles cutely, answering her question, "daejoon." chaeyoung coos at the little boy, ruffling his hair, "you're so charming, daejoonie."

a pair of arms wrapping around chaeyoung's waist averts her attention to her boyfriend behind her, where she sees a cute jealous pout on his face as he tightens his grip, pulling her closer to his chest as if to say "mine." the girl giggles, placing her palms on his hands, "calm down, baby, he's just a kid." the kids around them watch in awe, a little jealous of how close the two are. the boys wanted chaeyoung for themselves, while the girls wanted chan. of course, they were too young, but they couldn't help but admire the couple.

"come play with us, unnie!" a little girl steps up towards them, grabs chaeyoung's hand and holds it lightly in her little hands. daejoon looks at chan with a boyish smile and tugs on his shirt, "come on, hyung, let's go!" the couple is lead into the playground by the kids and, they run around playing a game of tag. the other older boys join in when they see their leaders messing with the group of kids. between the many rounds of tag, chaeyoung finally becomes it and chases around the kids. the little girl from earlier comes into view , and chaeyoung immediately targets her. "i got you!" chaeyoung exclaims happily, as she picks the little girl up and swirls her around, holding her in her arms afterwards.

they laugh together in that spot, but it's quickly shut down when an angry voice yells in their direction, catching everyone's attention. "get your hands off my little sister, you bitch!"

chaeyoung and the boys know that voice a little too well, and their heads snap towards the direction of the voice in shock.

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i hope everyone's doing well and staying safe in quarantine! i'm trying to work on another book but i feel like it'll draw my attention away from this book, and it makes me feel bad because i already suck at updating here :(( but it's okaay !
love you guys <33

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