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"it's minho's birthday!!" sookie said excitedly, as she checked her calendar.

it was more like an excited fangirl scream, which caused her roommates to barge into her room.

they looked at her, eyebrows raised, "you finally realised it?" they sighed in disappointment.

"well, sorry my memory is terrible." sookie says, offended from the girls' statement.

yeonie walks over to her bed, sitting down, "dude, he's your boyfriend."

chae looks over at yeonie immediately, "that doesn't mean anything to her."

"what she said!" sookie exclaims, with the proudest smile.

the girls facepalm, sighing.

yeonie looks around the room, "did you get him anything?" she asked, now looking at sookie.

sookie looks at her, "yeah, i got him my love."

the girls burst out laughing at sookie, "that's funny," chae says, in between laughs, "but seriously, what did you get him."

sookie jumps on her bed, "i bought him a cat charm, that'll match mine." she said, rather softly.

chae and yeonie looked at her smiling, "the cutest couple in the team, i swear."

she shakes her head, embarrassed, "stop it!"

everyone knew the couple. if you were to ask if they love eachother, they'd laugh and say no.

of course, no one would believe them. but you'd have to pay attention to them, watching them when they're together.

you'd see how much they love and care for eachother.

chae claps once, standing up from the bed, "let's go! chan and i scheduled a play meeting for the teams."

"yes, leader chaee," the girls rolled their eyes playfully, following their leader out to the practice room.

when they opened the door, there was stray kids.

the boys cheered when they saw the girls, as if they were their biggest fans.

"happy birthday minho!!" the girls chant, going up to him.

he smirked, "finally giving me the attention i need, huh?"

chae and yeonie scoffed, pushing sookie to him, "tell that to your girl."

minho wrapped his arms around her, resulting to the girl smacking his chest, "hands off, meanhoe. you're sweaty."

they act like they hate eachother, demanding the other to do this and that, but when one needs the other, they're there for eachother.

"you're not gonna wish me a happy birthday? cmon, babe. you love me!" minho exclaimed, kissing sookie's cheek.

she scrunched her nose, jokingly, "happy birthday, minho." she smiled, brightly.

the couple had their little moment, while on the other side of the room, the rest of the team is gagging, playfully.

"ew! grossss!!" they teased the couple.

they pushed eachother away, sticking their tongues out at eachother.

"whatever, where's the cake?" chae questioned, turning to chan.

chan scratched his nape, "woojin?" he replied, turning to woojin.

the boy sighed, "i'll get it."


"happy birthday to you!!" the members sang.

minho smiled, "i know, thanks." he said, causing everyone to laugh.

presents were given to him, sookie being the last.

the boy looked at his girlfriend, watching as she walks to him, handing him a small box.

he opened it, revealing a small cat charm, which matches hers.

he smiled softly, looking back up to see her, "thank you, sookie." he said, before hugging her.

sookie smiled wide, "anything for you."

the team watched them, smiling brightly. the leaders looking at their members, smiling proudly.

soon, everyone gathered around them and wrapped their arms around the couple, forming a group hug.

"happy birthday!" they all shouted.

hAPPY BIRTHDAY MINHOEEEE!! my bias wrecker which always climbs his way up trying to steal chan's spot. yOU CANT TAKE CHAN'S PLACE MINHO. im stroNg- anyways, this special was dedicated to minho, which he'll never read, aND to my friendd!! who biases minho. YOURE WELCOME SOOKIE. even though you already have a boyfriend- bUT ITS OKAY! you can love minho too

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