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once the members got home, it was almost past midnight. the boys didn't want chaeyoung to walk home alone, so they decided to let her sleep over.

more like forced her to sleep over. just as she was about to walk out their front door, the boys pulled her back and squished her between them on the couch, forbidding her from leaving.

they stayed like that for awhile just to make sure chaeyoung wouldn't run off if they released her. she told them she wouldn't mind staying for the night, but only if chan was going to cook breakfast.

the past few days that she's been with them, she had been cooking breakfast for them. pancakes was really the only basic breakfast she could think of, since she didn't want to prepare some fancy breakfast that she knew they weren't going to finish.

that was a lie. she knew they'd finish it all, but chan could always make it.

a chuckle escaped chaeyoung's mouth as she watched the boys fight over who gets to sit next to her. a few minutes passed and chan wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

chaeyoung looked up slightly, placing her hands on his as his chin was placed on her shoulder. when she removed his arms, he pouted, but she dragged him to the couch.

the boys watched chaeyoung's movements, trying to figure out where and who she'd sit by. chaeyoung sat in between chan and jeongin.

the youngest cheered in victory when she sat beside him, causing the older boys, excluding chan, to pout.

"for today, you're my favourite~" chaeyoung cooed, squishing jeongin's cheeks together. now, chan was also pouting.

"so i'm not your favourite?" he whined, clinging onto her arm. chaeyoung laughed, trying to shake chan off her, "go away, you big babyy."

chaeyoung was extremely comfortable with the boys. they've all grown closer to each other, and that made them happy. chan was her childhood friend, but the boys were so close to her that it seemed as if they were also her friends from childhood.

everyone got comfortable on the couch, while hyunjin turned on a movie. five minutes into the movie, chaeyoung wanted something to chew on.

"you guys have snacks, right?"

that question threw the younger ones off. they ate all their snacks at chaeyoung's house at the sleepover. especially jisung, hoarding all of them.



almost everyone was dozing off by now, but chaeyoung tried her hardest to keep her eyes open. she was waiting for the clock to strike 12am, and it was only a few more minutes away.

chaeyoung glanced over to the boys next to her, and a few were drowsily on their phones. she adjusted in her seating to get comfy, causing chan to move a bit to the side, making more room for her. chaeyoung noticed and it made her heart flutter.

she looked over at jeongin, seeing that he was also on his phone. his eyes were slowly closing while his thumb carelessly scrolls through his feed. 11:58pm was the current time. only two more minutes left.

chaeyoung got up from her spot, and grabbed chan's arm. he looked up at her as she tugged his sleeve hurriedly, indicating for him to follow her. chan immediately got up, thinking it was urgent.

they went into the kitchen where chan was quick to speak up, "what's wrong?" the question made chaeyoung raise an eyebrow at him which made him scared.

"we only have a minute left, you got cake?" she replied simply, ignoring his question, confusing him even more. chaeyoung furrowed her brows when she saw the confused look on his face.

"it's jeongin's birthday, right?" she questioned, now afraid that she mistakenly wrote down the wrong date. chan realised what she was trying to do now. "yes, there's an extra cake in the fridge."

hearing that, chaeyoung sighed in relief. "perfect! get the candles ready, i'll inform the boys."

chan watched her grab her phone, confusion written all over his face when he sees her texting a group chat. but, he turned away to light the candles.

a text was sent to every boy, excluding chan and jeongin.

> get your asses ready,
chan's lighting the candles

finally, the clock struck 12am. chan and chae walks out of the kitchen with the cake, singing happy birthday with the boys joining soon after. jeongin looks around at everyone, shocked with the most precious smile on his face.

the boys on the couch tackle their youngest, squishing him underneath as they all laugh at each other. chaeyoung smiles at them, proud that her little plan worked out perfectly.

chan brought the cake to jeongin, and everyone watched as he blew out the candles, clapping afterwards. "yay!!" they cheered. their youngest was now 18.

"you're growing up so fast, baby." chaeyoung said, hugging him tightly despite the height difference. jeongin thanked everyone, smiling brightly.

"so,, who's hungry?" chan asked, receiving more cheers. "yes, go make some fancy breakfast for us, chan." chaeyoung said, smugly grinning at him. it was just the start of the new day, she didn't really mean breakfast when she said it.

a second dinner was more of an accurate thought. chan placed the cake on the coffee table and made his way back to the kitchen, where he'd be making dinner.

chaeyoung followed after him. she said she would only sleepover if chan cooked, but she couldn't help but want to assist him. however, assisting lead to a challenge. they decided to make separate portions of spaghetti to see which one the boys liked more.

when the cooking was finished, they switched their plates with each other so the boys wouldn't suspect anything. chan was holding chaeyoung's portion, and chaeyoung was holding chan's.

mini bowls were provided for the boys and as soon as the plates arrived, they dug in. at first, no one said anything, but then they paused and looked at each other.

"chae noona's is better." changbin said, earning nods of agreement. chaeyoung cheered in victory, and left chan defeated again. "how'd you know we made different ones?" chan asked, taking a bite of chaeyoung's portion.

jisung looked at chan, with his food filled cheeks, "we always eat your spaghetti. we know what it tastes like."

"chae noona makes it a different way, so it tastes a lot different from yours." felix adds, causing chan and chaeyoung to smile.

it doesn't seem like it, but the boys pay close attention to everything. even if it's something stupid.

"wait, so who's your actual favourite?"

"guys, it's obviously me. i mean, cmon."

"shut up, jisung."

waaahh,,, okay first off: iM SORRY— ive been lagging when it comes to the next updates udghejgkh yall can see it, i say sorry like literally every chapter lmao. happy late birthday to bby jeongin !! i didnt forget, i was just super lazy to write. im gonna cry, i needa write a valentines special too ADKVKGJVKJSL bye lovelies, i hope you enjoyed this chapter :))))
+i juSt remembered that all specials will be in my imagines book. so imma publish the valentines special over thEre, pLEASE READ IT—

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