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park chaeyoung's pov

"chaeyoung! i missed you so much!" my mother exclaimed while hugging me.

i was shocked, not understanding what was happening.

"e-eomma..?" i questioned, lightly. my mother looked at me, smiling, "i'm here now, sweetie." she said, lovingly.

i smiled, happily, hugging her back tightly, "i missed you so much!"

letting go, i looked at her and realised that she was fading. "eomma?" i asked, worriedly.

she looked at me, with saddened eyes, "i'm sorry." her words shocked me, "what? why?"

my mother never answered. instead, she turned away from me and ran. "no, wait.. don't go.." i muttered, weakly.

suddenly, a car was heard, honking in the distance.

i watched as it zoomed towards my mother, then-


i screamed, waking up, breathing heavily. tears were running down my face, "eomma.."

then, i looked around, eyeing the unfamiliar yet familiar room.

footsteps were heard, rushing to my room.

what is that?

the door was pushed open, revealing nine faces.


i gasped lightly, clenching the blanket with my fists as my tears flowed.

"are you okay?" woojin asked.

what shocked me most was the concerned expressions on their faces.

the approached the bed, which i was in, "s-stop.." i stuttered, "don't come any closer.."

from the shakiness of my voice, you could tell i was afraid.

the only one ignoring my command, continued to walk towards me.

he sat down on the side of my bed, causing me to scoot slightly away.

suddenly, he hugged me.

"y-yah, bang chan, let go of me," i said, trying to push him away.

he held tight, not letting go nor moving an inch.

third person pov

surprisingly, chan's action calmed chaeyoung down.

the others remained silent as they watched their leader comfort the girl.

chaeyoung slowly started to give in, wrapping her arms around the boy.

now, the other members had a small smile on their faces.

"as expected of our leader." they all thought.

as chaeyoung's shaky breathing calmed down, chan loosened his arm before completely letting go.

the two sat silently, before chan speaks, "let's go eat dinner."


the group ate in an awkward silence, from time to time, eyeing chaeyoung to see what she would be doing.

they noticed that she was picking at her food, staring at it blankly.

"ahm, are you not gonna eat?" jeongin asks, breaking the silence, causing everyone to look at him.

chaeyoung looks up slightly, answering him with a shake of her head.

the group of boys exchanged looks, before turning back to chaeyoung.

once everyone finished, they took their plates to the sink.

chan takes chaeyoung's plate with his, as chaeyoung walks lightly to the couch.

the boys made their way to the living room, where chaeyoung was.

they all sat in silence for awhile, before their leader starts the conversation.

"would you like to tell us about it?" he asks, cautiously, afraid of hurting her somehow.

the girl sits silently, looking at him with blank eyes.

"if i told you, would you care?"

sorry for the late update! ajjfjsjfe & short too;; i'm so terribly sorry. i'm really busy atm so i hope you guys don't mind if update a bit later than usual. also, i hope you enjoyed this chapter? really short one agh i'm sorry about that;;

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