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"j-jieun?" chan questioned, as chaeyoung mumbled it.

she looked sideways to chan, eyebrows furrowed, wondering how he knew jieun.

wait a second.. chaeyoung thought.

jieun ran towards chan, engulfing him into a tight hug.

his shocked expression changed, "what are you doing here?" he asked happily, tightly hugging her back.

"what?" chaeyoung muttered.

jieun looked up at chan, letting go of the hug, "i missed you so much, chris!!"

chaeyoung thought for awhile, absorbing the scene infront of her.

"i missed you too, jiji~" chan replied, pinching her cheeks.

park chaeyoung's pov


wait.. chris?

no way...

"youngie? omo!!" jieun exclaimed, turning to me.


she hugged me tightly, in a threatening way.

i could feel chan's eyes on me.

"you're youngie?" he asked, in disbelief.

i nodded lightly, smiling awkwardly, "yep, it's been awhile hasn't it,


third person

the boys watched in confusion, "what's going on?" they whispered amongst themselves.

chan was looking at chaeyoung as she had her conversation with jieun.

the three were childhood friends.

jieun and chaeyoung being bestfriends, they talked comfortably.

they became friends in elementary, as chan came in during middle school.

there was some tension between the girls though.

their smiles were forced, it looked awkward.

let's explain their background, yes?


"jieun! i wanna tell you something!" chaeyoung said, excitedly yet shyly.

the girl led her bestfriend to the back court.

"i also wanna tell you something." jieun said, anxiously.

they let eachother go first but they both kept insisting, which led to them both doing it at the same time.

"i like chris!"

the girls stared at eachother for awhile.

chaeyoung let out an awkward laugh, "ahah, i guess we both like him."

jieun replied in the same manner, "yeahh."

after their conversation, the two seemed to be indirectly fighting over chan.

however, at the end of each day, jieun was always the closest one to chan, leaving chaeyoung left out.

one day, chaeyoung had her chance to hang out with chan.

jieun watched them in jealousy, glaring at her bestfriend.

"youngie, we can't be bestfriends anymore." jieun said coldly.

chaeyoung looked at her in shock, "what? why?"

jieun sighed, annoyed, "you're trying to take chris away from me."

chaeyoung didn't believe what she was hearing, "are you serious? you're really breaking our friendship over some boy?"

"just leave me alone." jieun finally said, walking away from her former bestfriend.

the older girl left chaeyoung behind, feeling betrayed and lonely.


until now, chan never found out about it.

he thought the girls were still bestfriends.

"chris, let's hang out at the park! bring your friends too!!" jieun said, excitedly.

chaeyoung stood behind everyone, being left out of their conversations with her former bestfriend.

she listened to their park hang out ideas and never once heard her name.

did they forget i exist? chaeyoung thought.

chaeyoung sighed, walking away from stray kids and jieun.

"first chan, now the boys?" she muttered, chuckling bitterly,

"you never changed, jieun."

ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER COUS IM CURRENTLY STRESSING OVER SCHOOL AND MY SICKNESS NEVER WENT AWAYY- well i made a schedule for updating my chapters and i kinda ran outta thoughts for this chapter so imma end it heree,,
+ is it getting interesting? do you guys like itt?

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