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"you're such an idiot." chae mumbles to herself, as she gets ready for school. it was one of those days where she brings herself down.

she grimaces at her appearance in the mirror and turns away, walking out the door.

as she takes her time getting to the campus, she checks her messages. "did you hear? apparently you're being accused for starting a rumour about vivian being a slut."

she scoffs. i didn't start them but she does behave like a slut.

"i have nothing to do with her." chae replies, simply.

as she walks to her locker, she pulls out her family photo which she adores. she stares at it lovingly, missing the feelings of warmth from her parents' hugs.

suddenly, the photo was snatched from chaeyoung's hands.

it wasn't chan, but one of his fangirls. there she was, choi mina.

"hey, give it back!" chae exclaims, reaching to grab it. however, mina moves back, not letting go of the photo.

chae clenches her jaw, "mina," she growls, "give it back."

mina acts scared, putting her hands over her mouth, "ahhh, so scaryy~" she said, laughing afterwards.

she then glares at chaeyoung, "i told you to stay away from channie oppa."

her saying that made chaeyoung scoff. "if you want me to stay away from him, tell him to stop bothering me."

"whatever," mina rolls her eyes, "i've had enough of you, chaeyoung."

with that said, mina rips the treasured photo in half, causing chaeyoung's eyes to widen in shock. tears brimmed in the corner of her eyes as she picks up the pieces.

"loser." mina laughed out, as she walked away with her little group.

chaeyoung sits on the floor for a bit, holding the photo in her hands, gently. her tears falling as she bit her lip.

she lets out a light, shaky breath as she gets up, running to the rooftop.

there, she let out her emotions. she cried, and cried, letting out all her sorrow that she's been holding in. after she calmed down, her face was tear stained. she bitterly laughs, "it's all his fault." referring to chan, she grimaces at the thought of him.

"when will i ever get to live peacefully." she mumbles, as she looks up to the sky.

images of her mother and father flash before her. "i wish i could see you again.."

chaeyoung remains on the rooftop, alone, throughout the rest of the day. she was too tired to attend classes.


the dismissal bell rung, signalling for chaeyoung to go home. she gets up, grabbing her stuff, and walks downstairs.

as she exits the school campus, she notices stray kids in the corner of her eye.


-was her only thought, as she dashed home quickly.

chaeyoung was tired. she was sick and tired of the bullying she's dealt with, for no exact reason.

she always thought to herself, what did she ever do to deserve this?

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