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"first love?" yeonie asked, eyebrows furrowed. "wait," her eyes widening in realisation, "don't tell me that's-"

chaeyoung sighed, getting up, "chan." yeonie looked up at her, confused. she started to stand up as well, "let's go to my place. we can continue our date there." chaeyoung smiled lightly at her.

the girls arrived at chaeyoung's place. yeonie's eyes wander inside the little home, feeling the warmth as she feels at home.

chaeyoung gave a tour, already knowing yeonie was going to ask. the last destination was her room, yeonie was already in awe. "this place is really roomy, seeing that the outside looks small."

that caused chaeyoung to chuckle, "we used to get that a lot from our visitors." memories of the guests flushed through her mind, as she just remembered that yeonie was her first guest in awhile.

"where are your parents?" yeonie asked, not knowing about the incident. chaeyoung stared at her, silent, realising that she never told her.

yeonie turned to chaeyoung after not hearing a reply. "something wrong?" she asked, snapping chaeyoung out of her thoughts.

"yeonie," she let out a light sigh, "they're dead."


the boys paced in their room, "should we go to her?" they asked themselves. seungmin never would've thought that they'd go against chan. however, jeongin would do anything to get chaeyoung back.

"seungmin, let's go visit her. she doesn't live far." jeongin said, packing some snacks inside his bag. seungmin hummed in response, helping jeongin pack the snacks.

the boys sneakily walked past the living room, hoping that no one would catch them. however, their leader was quick to spot them out of place. "where are you two going?" chan asked, raising an eyebrow.

they coughed, straightening their posture. they both stared at chan, gulping. "we wanted to go to a friend's house." seungmin said, followed by jeongin's soft question, "sleepover?"

chan sighed, "okay, but nothing dangerous. got it?" the younger ones nodded, smiling, "got it!" with that, they dashed out the door.

with big smiles on their faces, the boys walked happily to chaeyoung's house. they stiffened, arriving at the door. they didn't know if they should knock or not.

before seungmin could knock, they heard laughs and the door was opened by a girl, other than chaeyoung. the boys were stood frozen, shocked by the unexpected opening.

inside the house, the girls were also frozen. chaeyoung's eyebrows furrowed, seeing the two boys. "what are you two doing here?" she walked next to yeonie.

jeongin cleared his throat, "noona, we'd like to hang out with you for a day." the four exchanged looks at each other, yeonie staring the boys down.

"who are you?" yeonie eyed them up and down, slightly glaring. she didn't know them and is a bit protective over her friend. chaeyoung chuckled lightly, "they're friends, don't worry."

the boys were delighted to hear that from chaeyoung. they thought she was angry at them. "does that mean we could stay?" seungmin asked, with a bright smile.

"come in, let's talk." chaeyoung said, not answering the younger boy's question. they scurried inside, listening to her as yeonie walked from behind them.

everyone sat on the couch, silently. the girls noticed the snacks and looked at eachother, furrowing their brows. "why are you boys here." chaeyoung stated the question.

both seungmin and jeongin replied at the same time, "we really hate jieun." that statement shocked the girls, "what?" the boys smiled at their reaction, knowing that they'll finally be able to vent their thoughts.

"she just wants chan hyung to herself," seungmin stated. "noona, we want you back. get jieun out of here, she's troublesome." jeongin added, causing chaeyoung's eyes to widen.

the boys kept venting as the girls sat there listening. "okay, we get it. she's a bitch." yeonie cut them off before they could continue. they went silent, scared of the new girl. "right, we forgot we don't know you." seungmin's mouth formed an "o" shape.

chaeyoung sighed of relief, as they finally stopped talking about jieun. she signalled to yeonie to introduce herself, "park seoyeon, but you can call me yeonie." the boys nodded, smiling at her.

"i'm kim seungmin, and this is yang jeongin," seungmin introduced, "we're the maknaes of stray kids." yeonie furrowed her brows, hearing that statement, she turned to chaeyoung.

yeonie watched as chaeyoung nodded calmly, "nice to meet you boys." she said, turning back to them. the boys smiled brightly, "nice to meet you too!"

everyone got to know each other more. they found out that yeonie wasn't as serious as she seemed. yeonie was also younger than them. she was devastated to find that out, causing the older ones to tease her.

"how'd you girls meet?" jeongin asked. he and seungmin have been confused about their friendship for awhile. the girls chuckled, "we bumped into each other at the cafe." they couldn't help but cringe, remembering the memory.

"you go to another school, right?" seungmin asked yeonie, having a nodded response. "we're almost graduating, so it'd be a waste to switch schools now." chaeyoung commented.

everyone nodded sadly, "why didn't we meet each other sooner?" yeonie whined, causing chaeyoung to chuckle.

everyone had fun getting to know each other, laughing, watching movies, and eating snacks. yeonie found out that these boys weren't that bad, maybe they were just dense to realise that chaeyoung was better. she looked forward to hanging out with these boys more often.

seungmin and jeongin went over to their noona's house to hang out with her, but who knew they'd meet another friend. they noticed how happy chaeyoung was when she spent time with others, and they're happy that they were able to make her happy.

chaeyoung smiled happily at the sight of her friends laughing. she was happy that everyone got along with each other. no fights and random outbursts occurred, and chaeyoung was delighted to have them over.

in the boys' dorm, hyunjin and felix noticed the younger ones' absence. their eyebrows furrowed, wondering where the two went. they walked through every room with each other, looking for them. they didn't like the different atmosphere without the younger members.

chan noticed their behaviour and immediately knew why. "if you're looking for the boys, they said they were going to a sleepover." he explained. hyunjin and felix nodded, walking back into felix's room.

the boys were confused. they started naming people who they were friends with, trying to figure out who invited them to a sleepover. they eventually gave up, not wanting to think about it too much. they wanted the younger ones to have fun.

chan looked around his room, trying to find his phone. "where did it go?" he mumbled, frustrated. the boy rummaged through his stuff, still not able to find it. "what the hell?" he said to himself.

chan sighed, giving up, "i'll find it tomorrow." he went to bed, not thinking much about things. however, his girlfriend was.

"are you serious? he still has her number?" jieun scoffed in disbelief. she read through their messages once, jealousy arousing in her. "i can't believe she talked to him this much!"

jieun's finger slid to the delete option on chaeyoung's profile, "that'll make him forget." she smirked. jieun went to sleep happily after she deleted chaeyoung's number from chan's phone.

it's not like he's been talking to her lately, so it wouldn't make a difference. chan wouldn't notice it.

omg hi,, im so sorry?? to make it up to yall, i made a long chapter!! ((i mean,, to me its a long chapter, yes?)) cous im not fully back yet. & i'll probably keep it like this cous i completely neglected my updating schedule before, so i'll just be updating randomly. but dw! these random updates will be long as apologies for my every mistake i make;; i hope you enjoyed this chapter! oH aLSO,, all specials like birthday specials, christmas, valentines, etc,, will be published in my imagines book !!

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