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chae heard shuffling, like a person moving in a desk, trying to sit comfortably.

opening her eyes, she saw a frozen chan in an awkward position.

the teacher walks inside the classroom, "oh? chan, you're here too?" she questions as she eyes chan.

pushing that aside, she looked at chae, "time's up. you can go now, chaeyoung."

she nodded, "yes, ma'am."

while chaeyoung was getting her bag, chan walks out the room with his hands in his pockets.

quickly, she rushed out the room. "where are you heading to, in a rush?"

chae turned, looking over her shoulder, answering as calmly as she could, "home."

with that, she turned around and walked out the building.

it didn't take long for her to find out that chan was following behind her.

"what do you want, bang chan." she says, irritated. chan is surprised with her attitude change, "nothing," he raised his hands in defense, "i just wanted to make sure you headed home safely."

chae scoffs at his answer, "stop breaking my heart." she mutters under her breath.

"i'd appreciate it if you'd leave me alone." she says, coldly, making chan pout.

he hurries over to her side, "cmon, princess, let me care for you." he whines, cutely.

chaeyoung's heart flutters, hearing his statement. however, she hated the idea of falling for her bully.

she pushes him away from her, clenching her fists, "stay away from me." she growls, lightly.

with a dumbfounded chan standing in the middle of the sidewalk, by himself, chaeyoung rushes into her home and slams the door.

chan wonders for awhile, what's with her? but, he's too dense to realise her situation.

chaeyoung quickly finishes her homework and takes out all the notes she got, from this morning and the days before, and places them in her drawer.

"that'll be filled by next year, probably." she wonders to herself.

chan, on the other hand, walks home with a fatherly smile on his face. "hyung, we're hungry! can you please hurry home!?" the message from changbin said.

it was hard being the leader of the group, seeing that they all have been through lots of stuff. but, they're all family when they're together and that's all that makes chan happy.

he walks into the dorm, hearing the members singing a song with the words "i am hungry." or something.

chuckling, he makes his way into the kitchen. "felix and woojin hyung! could you help me with the food?" chan calls.

then, the boys came in. "foooodd." felix said, dragging the word.


"hyung, you always make the best food." seungmin compliments.

felix and woojin look at him, with a look. "thank you, but felix and woojin helped today." chan laughs lightly.

'thank you's were given to the three boys who cooked. "ah, seungmin, could you clean up for a bit? we gotta do some things." minho says, not looking up.

he signals for the boys to follow him into the kitchen.

"okay, everyone's here? great," minho speaks to himself. "alright, today's seungmin's birthday. i believe everyone has his presents, as i told you all to prepare last week." chan announces, not loud enough for seungmin to hear.

everyone nods, smiling, excited to surprise the second youngest.

"go get the gifts while i get the cake." woojin says.

the cake was hidden, deep inside the fridge, where no one ever bothers to dig through.

woojin grabs the cake carefully and places the candles on top, lighting them.

hyunjin goes outside, checking on seungmin, which he was almost finished with the cleaning.

the boys come back, with their presents, placing them on the counter, near the cake.

seungmin walks in with the trash and looks at everyone, confused.

"happy birthday!!" they yelled, happily, which surprises him.

he lightly giggles, "i'm shocked, i forgot about my birthday too, haha."

the boys laugh, altogether.

the night settles with seungmin opening his presents while the others eat some cake, with bright smiles.

chaeyoung scrolls through her instagram feed. with 4k followers, excluding people from her school, she's happy with the amount of support she has online.

she's confused by how so many people wanted to follow her, but shrugs it off. she privated her account due to a girl, last year, who insulted her for thinking that chaeyoung's account was going to get popular.

well, look at chae now.

she shakes her head, smiling at a friend's message. "goodnight!" was what chaeyoung sent last, as she went under the blanket, closing her eyes.

"another new day tomorrow." she mumbles, before drifting off to sleep.

hiiii~ it's been awhile huhhh :'))) i'm sorry- i was gonna update faster but like, the birthday specials cmon mannnn. okay yeah, they don't count as updates skciegjsjg. i'll tRy to update faster! oh yikes, this chapter is short- sorryyy!! alsO happy birthday to our seungminnnnnn~!!!

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