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what the hell. i swear i studied this- why isn't anything making any sense?!

currently, there was a test going on. i stayed up almost all night studying the material. but nothing was adding up.

suddenly, a crumbled paper was thrown at my head. "tch, he never leaves me alone." i growled, silently.

i opened the crumbled paper, that he threw. "oh no, what's wrong? little smartie having trouble with the test?" it said.

i looked slightly, over my shoulder, seeing that he was smirking at me as he leaned back on his chair. i glared, as i stuffed the note inside my bag.


finishing the test, the class was dismissed and i walked out, running a hand through my hair. "should we get chan hyung? his target's right there." a deep aussie voice was heard. felix. i said, in my head.

i have a name too. i talked back inside my head, still ignoring them, in reality.

"no need to. i'm already here." he said. "fuck." i mumbled, before running out the gates. i'm not in the mood for bullying, bang chan. i wanted to say, but couldn't as he would tease me for being a weakling.

i heard him call out to me, "yah! princess, come back!"

i, of course, ignored it. i don't need your insults, today. i've never felt so stressed in so long.

thank god tomorrow's the weekend.


walking into my home, i felt the coldness hit my skin. there was no longer warmth stationed in this little house.

i went in my room and, immediately, started my homework so i could have the next few days to myself.

finishing the assignments, i fell onto my bed, sighing from exhaustion. suddenly, tears started flowing and i began to sniffle.

"eomma.. appa.." i managed to whisper out, between my shaky breaths. thoughts flushed through my mind, of them arriving home and yelling my name out, as i run to them, engulfing them into tight hugs, which i thought would never end.

thoughts of them helping me up and comforting me whenever i cried. eating dinner together, going on family dates, protecting me from any boys who were looking for a date.

all of those memories will never happen again. they're gone and won't ever come back. the fun family dates that were planned are now cancelled. the timing was bad, it didn't work out how i wanted it to.

after crying for a few hours, i decided to wander around outside to refreshen up after the sudden breakdown.

it was still the afternoon, or evening, so i went to the park. there, i saw kids playing around with their families, oh how jealous i was.

seeing that made me think of my parents. once again, tears flowed and i lowered my head to avoid people from seeing.

bang chan's pov

after trying to chase chaeyoung after school, i gave up as she was probably close to her house.

stray kids and i went home after that and ate some lunch/dinner. "i'm bored!" someone, most likely jisung, yelled.

"why don't we take a walk around the park?" i suggested. the younger ones looked at me, "because you're fat? and you're too lazy to go to the gym?" felix questioned.

everyone laughed. "excuse me!! i've worked out enough. and plus, i think i'm pretty fit.." i said confidently, mumbling the last part.

"yeah yeahh, let's go to the park!!" jeongin exclaimed.

when we reached the park, we went into the basketball court to play a little game or two.

of course, the younger team won. but, only by one point.

we were now taking a walk, admiring nature, and just talking to eachother.

"hyung, look. that girl's crying.." hyunjin said softly. i looked at him and saw that he was pointing somewhere, which caused me to follow his point.

there was a girl, sitting on a bench, crying alone. my eyes softened, "cmon, let's help her out."

i walked to the saddened girl, with the group behind me. i sat down next to her and patted her shoulder, which caused her to flinch and look up at me, in shock.

i, then, got a glimpse of her face, which shocked me as well.


park chaeyoung's pov

i looked up in shock, from the sudden touch. my eyes were still full of tears, which caused my vision to be blurred.

i blinked those tears away, and looked at the male figure closely. my eyes widened when i saw the familiar face.

"bang chan?" i whispered, before getting up quickly. his eyes looked like they softened when he saw me, but who knows when those eyes of his will change into the cold ones.

i grabbed my phone and backed up from him. this time, i could see his members around us too. "hey-" he called out, "no, stop!" i yelled, whilst covering my ears.

tears started flowing again, "i don't need nor want your insults! i've had enough for today, please leave me alone." i sobbed out.

before his members could stop me, i pushed through them and ran home, leaving them in shock.

arriving home, i rushed into my room and cried in bed. i blasted music throughout my room and remembered the times bang chan and his group bullied me.

my eyes, soon, felt heavy and i closed them, drifting into the paradise my mind takes me, in my slumber.

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