birthday special~~

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(irrelevant to the story)

park seoyeon's pov

i woke up gasping, excitedly.

today's felix's birthday!

brushing my teeth, i had an uncontrollable smile on my face.

"yeonie!~" i heard chae call out. i quickly rinsed my mouth and replied, "yess?~"

she came into my room, "today's your crush's birthdayy~" she teased, wiggling her eyebrows.

i lightly blushed, smiling. "he's 18 now, woww. i remembered when he used to trip and fall in the halls of our middle school." she said, laughing.

"oh rightt, you grew up with chan oppa and felix!" i said, now remembering.

she nodded, smiling, "go get changed! we have to meet up with the boys!"

chae left my room, and i grabbed some already wrapped presents, under my bed.

"i hope he'll like it~" i whispered, happily.


park chaeyoung's pov

what is this.

"chae!! you're here!" hyunjin exclaims excitedly. "ah, it's 'noona'. and yes, i'm here. what is this mess?!" i replied, almost instantly.

chan and woojin laughs nervously. "he was the one controlling." chan pointed at woojin, causing him to slap chan's hand away. "i was not! you're the leader!" woojin points at chan.

"and you're the oldest!" chan retorts. "alright, enough!" i yelled, looking at the boys.

i sighed, turning to yeonie, "you go help jeongin and seungmin with the banner."

she nodded, "yes, mother." she rolled her eyes, playfully. "minho, jisung, changbin, fix the decorations. don't throw them into the air." i said, walking over and handing them the bag.

i, then, stared at woojin and chan. "you two," i sighed, "go buy a cake and reflect on your little argument." they nodded, "yes, ma'am!" saluting, they rushed out the room.

"noona, what about me?" i heard hyunjin ask, from behind me. "hyunjinnie ahh, you can rest. you helped out with a lot yesterday." i smiled softly at him.

he nodded, smiling, "okayy.~" he said, sweetly.


"oh my god-" i paced around the room, "we have 3 minutes left! he's coming back soon, hurry!!" i, quickly, rushed over to the banner.

i grabbed the marker, drawing little stars and hearts on it. "noona! we need a little help with the last bit of decorations!" jisung yelled.

"coming!" i ran to the other side of the room, picking up the ribbons. "hang this up over there, and this, here." i said, handing them the ribbons and pointing where.

chan yelled, "2 minutes!"

woojin grabbed the cake, carefully, walking over to me. "where're the candles?" i looked at chan.

"ah, here." he said, handing them to me. i placed 8 candles on the cake, lighting them with the lighter.

"get the lights!" i whisper yelled. yeonie turned the lights off and rushes over to where we're gathered.

soon, the staff opens the door and turns the lights on for felix. "happy birthday!!" we yelled, cheerfully.

he stood with a blank face, for awhile, then changing into a bright, happy smile. "for me?" he said, in english, in his deep aussie voice.

we laughed at his reaction, "yes, felix! who else?" yeonie exclaims, handing her presents to felix.

"woahh, that's a lot!" felix says, shocked. yeonie laughs, lightly, "not really, it's only three boxes."

woojin walks forward, "cmon, blow your candles!" he says, smiling.

the aussie boy closes his eyes, then opens them up, and blows out the candles, with a smile.

after, chan and i, both, looked at eachother, then looking to yeonie, wiggling our eyebrows. she became flustered and hugged felix, unexpectedly. "happy birthday, aussie boy!" she said, happily in his chest.

felix wraps his arms around her body, smiling brightly, "thank you, yeonie." he said, lightly.

we all cheered, "you're finally 18!"

"but why are there only 8 candles on the cake?" felix questions, making everyone look towards me.

i laughed, nervously. "we didn't have much time left before you opened the doorrr, plus! it wouldn't look good with a lot of candles on the cake! sooo, there?" i explained, a bit confused with myself.

the members laughed, "good enough!"


minutes and hours passed, and most of the time, yeonie was playing around, and hanging out, with the birthday boy. she laughed her hardest, smiled her brightest, and grew more inlove with her crush.

her heart fluttered each time felix laughed, smiled, and everything.

at times, felix would talk to the other members too, conversing with them. and all yeonie would do was stare and admire felix from afar.

she'd have a little smile on her face, as she gazes at felix, whenever he laughs with the members.

every little thing felix would do, would make her heart skip a beat.

it was a normal thing that would always happen, when yeonie sees felix.

agdhfhhsha felix's birthday is todayy in korean time butttt tmr would be his birthday in america. i think? i mean, it is for me. tmr is alsoooo my sister's birthday but she's a few years older than him. september 15;; if anyone is confused. our aussie boy felix ahh, i remember the day he struggled having a korean conversation with yg. it was cute. but looking at it now, i can see how much he's grown up. even if they're growing up, they'll always be our little kids.

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