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the playdate at the arcade was fun, but it was a bit hard on chaeyoung. she was bubbling with jealousy when she noticed that jieun had gotten a bit too close and clingy with chan for her liking. however, she decided to ignore it and enjoy her playdate with her friends. jieun grinned in victory, not missing the look of jealousy in the girl's eyes. all she had to do was keep chaeyoung away from chan for a period of time, then he would be all hers again.

chaeyoung groaned as she laid back onto her bed, thinking back to the playdate. she couldn't help but frown at the memory, despite having tons of fun with the boys. jieun was just too close, too clingy. why didn't chan push her off? she grimaced as she remembered how close jieun hugged his arm near her chest. chaeyoung might've regretted her decision a little, but she shook her head of that thought. no, she changed. she chanted that sentence in her head so many times, not wanting to believe that she made the wrong choice.

the girl frowned, remembering how jieun dragged her boyfriend to the claw machine, acting cute and shy while asking him to win her a stuffed toy. chaeyoung nearly bursted when she saw jieun act so close and lovey with him, but quickly held back, telling herself that she was just trying to be friends with him.

her frown remained on her lips, as she let out a frustrated sigh. chaeyoung closed her eyes, not wanting to remember any more of the event today. slowly, she drifted off into slumber, hoping that she could have a nice dream without having the involvement of chan and jieun in it.


chaeyoung's bedroom door slammed open, causing the girl to jolt awake. she turned over to the door where she saw minho and hyunjin standing there with smiles. "what the hell, you guys?" chaeyoung groaned, rubbing the drowsiness from her eyes. "come on, get up! chan's making pancakes!" hyunjin's eyes sparkled, mouth drooling at the thought of breakfast.

"again?" the girl shook her head with a light smile. this was the third time this week that they had pancakes for breakfast. it might as well even be the whole week; we'll call it pancake week. as the boys left her room, chaeyoung got ready for the day, changing into her uniform and such. she went downstairs into the kitchen, being greeted with the light, sweet smell of perfectly cooked pancakes. specially made by her dimpled boyfriend.

chaeyoung smiled, strutting towards her seat at the table, and started eating. every morning was always the same. it started at chae's house, with chan making breakfast for the group. jieun was never there because the boys claimed they didn't want to see her first thing in the morning. they all walked to school together, with chan and chaeyoung in the back of the group holding hands.

however, today chan walked in front, not holding her hand. she frowned at this, also noticing another detail.

he didn't give her her usual good morning kiss.


chan walked to classes in utter stress. what if he didn't get to graduate? with all those skips, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to walk across the stage with his diploma in hand. it seems these thoughts were clouding his mind recently as he hasn't been spending much time with his girlfriend. finals were over as well, and if chan flunked that, who knows what he'll do.

he has plans; to go to college, spend more time with the people he cherishes, and maybe even buy a ring in the future. that is, if he gets enough money.

chaeyoung only wanted to be next to chan, to hold his hand was enough for her. but throughout the day, he didn't even look at her. did i do something wrong? she was worried. about him, and if she had done anything. but something else had been bothering her as well. jieun. jieun has been a bit close and clingy with chan for the past few days. chaeyoung trusts chan with her whole heart though, so she wouldn't assume anything even if it looked suspicious. the one she didn't trust fully was jieun. but chaeyoung was hesitant, she really believed that jieun had changed already.

the school day was closing to an end, and the boys stood outside of the building, chatting as they waited for chan and chaeyoung. the first to arrive was chaeyoung, who approached the group alone. "chan's not here yet?" she questioned, confused. they shook their heads thinking that he was with her, but guess not. they all stood and waited, but a few minutes later, the female grew impatient. "i'm going to look for him."

inside of the building, stood chan and jieun against the lockers. "what is it that you wanted to talk about, jieun?" the boy grumbled irritant. the girl smiled lightly, "it's been awhile," she took a step closer, "since we've been able to talk." chan sighed, looking at her whilst nodding, he had nothing to say to her.

the silence grew, and jieun became frustrated. she stepped closer to chan, and grabs his face to pull him in, closing the distance between their lips. chan stood in shock, unable to move. what the fuck is she doing? a light gasp rang in the air, and chan sees chaeyoung in his peripheral vision. his girlfriend stood with widened eyes, a hand clasped over her mouth in shock, as heavy tears ran down her face rapidly.

nothing could explain the heartbreak chaeyoung felt at this moment. it was clear that it was a misunderstanding, but the scene just looks so bad on both ends. chaeyoung runs away, whimpering with her heart shattered in pieces, as she dashes past the boys and towards her home. the boys held a look of shock and confusion. just what happened in there that caused their best friend to run out like that?

only then did chan push jieun away roughly. "what the fuck do you think you're doing, woman?!" he flushed in anger. jieun looks at him with a troubled expression. chan runs a hand through his hair and glares down at the girl infront of him, "i should've known we were right. you'll always be the same bitch that'll do anything to break her apart."

with that, chan rushes out the building, leaving jieun standing alone. the boy walks up to the group of boys, with a dark angered look, as they turned to him with confusion and concern written all over their faces. questions were thrown around as they followed closely behind their leader in the direction of his girlfriend's home. "come on, i'll explain on the way."

meanwhile, still in the building stood jieun with a blank look. the girl had tried everything to get chan with her, and nothing seemed to work. he really loves chaeyoung, and only now was jieun realising it. there was no way for jieun to win him back, because she simply never won to begin with. chaeyoung had already won his heart from the very start.

now, jieun could only glare down at the floor with a clenched jaw, cursing at chae as her anger settled in.

jieun had lost.

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