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what's going on? i asked myself. where am i?

"yah! park chaeyoung! come here, you bitch!!" a voice yelled.

i turned, looking at the person. it was bang chan.

he, who was standing infront of his group, was angry. did i do something?

"what's wrong?" i asked, slightly nervous.

chan was now standing infront of me. anger was written all over his face. "are you really going to ask me that? are you that stupid?!" he yells in my face.

i backed up, getting scared. "i-" he cut me off, "shut up!!"

now, i was panicking. what happened to the sweet and caring chan, who opened my gummy pack earlier?

"c-chan, calm down.." i tried soothing him. "calm down?! you want me to calm down?!" he yells, again.

he looks me in the eye, in a threatening way. "you pushed jeongin down the flight of stairs and you want me to calm down?!"

what? "i didn't! i didn't p-push him down.. i didn't touch him at all!!" i fought back, trying to hold in my tears.

i looked over at jeongin, and there he was, smirking. "he's smirking! he's pulling a trick!" i said, pointing at jeongin.

chan looks back and jeongin puts on an innocent face. "are you lying to me now?" chan turns back around.

"i-i wasn't.. lying.." i whispered, tears falling. suddenly, he raises his hand and forms a fist, moving forward to hit me.


i jolted up, sweating as tears were falling. "it was just a nightmare.." i whispered, shakily.

it was about 6am, i decided to go to the restroom. climbing down the ladder, i caught a glimpse of chan's sleeping face.

even his sleeping face is perfect.

i shook my head, "no." i grimaced. i saw him getting up, which surprised me and caused me to fall.

"argh fuck.." i groaned in pain. chan, who was now awake, rushed out of bed to me. "a-are you okay?!" he asked, worriedly.

i shook his hands off me, "i'm fine, leave me alone." i said, lightly, walking to the restroom.

once i got inside, i locked the door. i looked at my reflection in the mirror and glared at myself, "pathetic."

some stray tears fell as i insulted myself. what the hell happened to me..

i started crying again. "why am i treated differently by others?! am i too ugly for their liking?!" i screamed at my reflection, hopelessly searching for an answer.

sobbing, i sat on the floor. "why can't you love me for me..?" i whimpered.

bang chan's pov

"why am i treated differently by others?! am i too ugly for their liking?!" she screamed from inside the restroom.

i looked over in shock, "what the hell.." i whispered out.

walking closer to the door, i could hear sobbing. is she crying? "why can't you love me for me..?" i heard her whimper.

my eyes softened, "hey.." i called out. she must've heard me. the faucet was now running, and i'm assuming she's washing her face.

in the next second, the door opened, revealing chaeyoung with red, puffy eyes.

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