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when arriving at the boys' dorm, chan and jieun were both seated on the couch. the boys walked by occasionally, glancing at the two before returning to do their own thing.
they ignored their conversation, not thinking it was important. however, seungmin listened closely to every word they exchanged.

he analysed their words, suddenly thinking about chaeyoung.

seungmin walked past them, into the kitchen to get a glass of water. there, he saw jeongin glaring in the couple's direction. his eyes furrowed as he watched them.

he walked over to the youngest, snapping him out of his little anger bubble. "jeongin ah, do you perhaps like jieun?" seungmin asked.

that question caught jeongin off guard. his nose was scrunched up in disgust, just hearing those words from seungmin's mouth.

"no, i hate jieun." jeongin stated truthfully. seungmin could tell he wasn't lying. everyone knows that jeongin isn't formal with others he doesn't like.

seungmin smiled, causing jeongin to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "w-what's wrong, hyung?" he stuttered.

jeongin was startled by the sudden chuckle from seungmin, "i don't like jieun either. chaeyoung noona is way better."

they were both relieved that they weren't the only one who disliked jieun. now, getting their hyungs to side with them would be the harder case.


"chaeyoungie!" a girl called, causing chaeyoung to look back. chaeyoung squinted, trying to make out the face that was currently blurry. she's so far away. she thought.

the girl laughed at her, coming closer, "you're so blind, it's hilarious."

chaeyoung stared at the girl, finally recognising her. it was yeonie. the girls went inside the cafe, talking for what seemed like hours.

their little conversation was cut off abruptly by a group of boys. "hey there, cuties. can we get your numbers?" they eyed the girls up and down, causing them to gag mentally.

"i don't know, can you?" chaeyoung responded, not looking at the boys. yeonie laughed silently, taking a sip from her drink. you could hear the boys' smirks falter.

another tried, "could we have your instagrams?" chaeyoung coughed, now getting uncomfortable. "uhm.."

"sorry, close friends only," yeonie backed her up, "strangers."

the boys eventually gave up, walking away and sighing in frustration, causing the girls to high five and congratulate themselves.

in a minute, yeonie questions, "what's up with your instagram? i saw how you kinda staggered at that mentioning." chaeyoung stiffened at her question, debating whether or not to tell her.

"there's nothing wrong with it. i just.. don't like giving it out." she explained, hoping to make it clear with yeonie. "so, you're trying to say that you'd rather people finding you than you giving them the account user?"

chaeyoung nodded, "exactly. i love how fast you catch on." yeonie was kind of disappointed. "so,, you won't give it to me either?" she whined, surprising chaeyoung.

"why would you want it? you already have my number." she reasoned, hoping yeonie would give up. the girl leaned on the table, slightly closer to chae, "i like to keep up with you! if i'm not around, i'll be caught up with your events that you post on your profile."

chaeyoung sighed, "fine, you're exceptional." yeonie's eyes brightened in delight, "perfect! now gimme gimme!!"

the whole rest of their date was spent talking about her profile. "look at you! 16k?! that's insane!!" yeonie exclaimed, eyes gauging at the sight of the number of followers. "i don't know them, but they're a cute bunch." chaeyoung commented, recalling the compliments she gets daily.

yeonie scrolled down her profile, "you're basically insta famous," she said, now gasping, "oh my god, i'm bestfriends with a famous person." chaeyoung facepalmed, "yeonie, i'm n-"

"oH MY GOD, IT'S ME! YOU POSTED ME!!" she exclaimed, catching everyone's attention. "shut up, yeonie!" chaeyoung whisper yelled, embarrassed. at that moment, she regretted telling yeonie her user. the girl was constantly gasping dramatically, but her eyes were sparkling. seeing that brought a smile upon chaeyoung's face.

yeonie scrolled down the profile, looking at every post and every caption. she came across a post which had chaeyoung and one boy, in particular, in it. "hey, chae, who's this?" yeonie finally asked in a calm tone.

chaeyoung stared at the familiar post, remaining expressionless. she wasn't sure if she should tell her or not. yeonie knew about chan, but didn't know what he looked like. chaeyoung's eyes wandered down to the caption she wrote. "spending a day with you was the best! love you lots !!"

she took a deep breath, exhaling it before telling yeonie.

"my first love."

my schedule is being thrown in the trash by me omfg. i keep delaying my updates and writing my chapters last minute. i literally have no time for anything. i really hope the next chapter will be what i scheduled and if not then im so sorry.

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