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bang chan's pov

the boys and i were curious on why chae ran out the door so quickly. "hyung, should we see what she's doing today?" seungmin asked.

getting up, i nodded, "cmon, guys. let's hurry."

while we followed, she went into a little house. it wasn't that little, but let's say it looked like the perfect sized home.

"i'm guessing that's where she lives." jisung says. not long after, she comes out the house, in new clothing. wow, she's pretty cute.

i saw her run a hand through her hair, as she checked her phone. "i wonder where she's going." hyunjin mutters.


we watched, as she went into a daycare centre. does she work here?

we watched, from a few feet away, and saw a girl, around my age, excitedly run to chaeyoung.

"is that her friend?" hyunjin asks, only earning 'i don't know's back. "i'm surprised she even has friends." jeongin adds.

"hey, that's not nice." i looked at jeongin, strictly as he looks down and mutters a 'sorry'.


now, we were seated in a cafe, across the street from the daycare.

our legs get tired too, okay.

we saw another girl, running into the daycare as chaeyoung and the other girl look at her suspiciously.

the two girls, sitting on the floor, looked at the girl who just rushed in. she must've said something funny to make the two seated girls laugh.

i've never seen her laugh before.

then, a little girl runs up to the older girls. i couldn't understand what she said, but it caused all the other kids to come over. it became a group hug, and i don't think i've ever seen such a beautiful smile coming from the girl, who's never happy.

park chaeyoung's pov

as the day comes to an end, i put cherry down, and went to where seoyeon and sookie were.

"hey, chaeee, are you free tomorrow?" sookie asks, happily. "sure, why?" i asked. the girls looked at eachother and smiled, before turning back to me. "we were wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with us?"

i had to think for awhile, "hmm, sure." i said, smiling lightly. the girls cheered and pulled me into a hug. "it's such a shame, you don't go to our school." yeonie says.

nodding, i replied, "and we're in the same year too. i wish i could transfer." i said, truthfully.

"it's cool, though. the way we became friends, was hilarious!" sookie says, lightly laughing, causing me and yeonie to laugh too, recalling the memory.


before going home, i decided to stop by the cafe. my phone vibrated. it was a message from yeonie. "don't forget about our mall date tomorrow~" it said. i smiled at the text. i would never forget.

i walked towards the counter. "welcome to lotte cafe! how may i help you?" a young girl says, with a bright smile.

"i'll have a caramel macchiato, pleasee~" i replied, smiling lightly. the price was said and i paid, walking to the side, now, waiting for my order.

a few minutes passed, and my order was given to me. "thank you." i said, lightly bowing. i took a sip of my drink, and turned, walking to the door. i stood, frozen, when i saw the boys seated at a table, staring right back at me.

averting my eyes, i quickly walked out the cafe, before any of them stop me. why are they here?


inside my room, was much more peaceful than the stray kids's household. my, half finished, macchiato, set on my dresser, as the frost drips.

i laid on my bed, looking at my ceiling, recalling the memory of meeting yeonie and sookie.


i walked into the cafe and order my daily. as i walked out, i bumped into two girls, around my age.

"ah, excuse me." i lightly said, bowing.

one girl, with shoulder length hair, eyed me, as the other, medium length hair, looked at the other confusedly. "aren't you in my singing class? kim sook?" the girl asked the one, who was eyeing me.

she looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "park seoyeon?"

"yes, nice to meet you." the, medium length haired, girl replied. the other girl looked kinda judgy, when eyeing me. but, she was pretty.

they, then, looked at me. "who are you?" the girl, named kim sook, i believe, said. "park chaeyoung, not in your school." i replied, calmly.

"yeahh, your uniform is obvious." kim sook, said, rolling her eyes. rude.

park seoyeon, chuckled, "don't mind her. she's like that to new people." i nodded, not bothering to reply.

she held a hand out, offering to shake my hand, "nice to meet you, park chaeyoung. i'm park seoyeon, and this girl here, is kim sook."

i shook her hand, lightly smiling, "nice to meet you too." then, i turned to kim sook, holding my hand out.

she looked at my hand, hesitantly shaking it. "shall we exchange numbers?" seoyeon suggested. "sure, i guess." i said, whilst taking out my phone.

we exchanged numbers and looked at eachother. "sorry for bumping into you girls." i apologised.

"nono," seoyeon said, "we're sorry, right, sookie?" she nudged the girl. "right, yes. sorry about that." sook replied.

i waved at them, whilst walking away.

maybe they aren't that bad.

iM sOrRy for the late update. my dad's birthday was today & i kinda forgot to save half of the chapter while i was drafting the night before. bUt i did it. aRe yOu proUd of mE jEnniFer. & ofc i couldn't forget dylan who threatened to not vote my story if i didn't update :')))) i hOpe you enjoyed this chapter!!

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