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"chaeyoungie~" chan called from the other side of her room, causing chaeyoung to look up in shock.

"what are you-" before chaeyoung could finish her question, he disappeared.

chaeyoung shook her head, covering her ears from the ringing, stop it!

it's been already two weeks since chan and the boys left chaeyoung for jieun, and she isn't taking it very well.

the girl got up from her seat, grabbing her phone, and walked out of her home.

it was nearly midnight, and she didn't care whatsoever.

she thought back to the time when she first encountered hyunjin at the convenience store.

chaeyoung smiled sadly, remembering the cute little moments with chan.

she missed him.

"what are you doing out here, so late?" a voice said, snapping chaeyoung out of her thoughts.

chaeyoung looked back, eyeing the drunken man with a scowl on her face.

she ignored him, walking faster, until he grabs her arm harshly.

the man smirked, "where are you going? we didn't even start yet."

chaeyoung gagged at the scent of alcohol, present in his breath. it was disgusting.

"let go of me, you rapist." she said calmly, not wanting to show any fear.

he chuckled, an evil glint in his eyes, as he roughly pushed her against the wall, of the alleyway.

"i shouldn't have gone this way." chaeyoung, mentally, scolded herself.

she winced at the force of the push, reminding her of the days when chan used to bully her.

chaeyoung kicked the man in the groin, causing him to weaken his grip on her.

she used this chance to escape, running as fast as she could.

sadly, the man was faster.

he caught up with her in an instant, forcefully pulling her back in place, as he punched her abdomen area as payback.

chaeyoung scrunched her face up in pain, and she let out a light scream.

"let me go!" she screamed in his face, "somebody help me!!"

the man slammed her against the wall, causing her head to roughly make contact with the concrete behind her.

as he reached to her chest area, about to rip apart her shirt, two figures came, rushing into the alleyway.

there was no light, so chaeyoung couldn't see who they were.

the male figures grabbed the man by the collar, tearing him off of the cornered girl.

she clutched her stomach, sliding down the wall, wincing at the pain, as her eyes started to close on their own.

chaeyoung saw the figures punch the man square in the face, scaring him enough to make him run.

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