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bright smiles were plastered on their faces as they walked out of the stadium their graduation had been held in. chae looked down at her's and chan's intertwined hands and looked back up at the sky.

she exhaled, happily and relieved. with a diploma in her free hand, she raised it up to the sky and waved sentimentally at the sun, "mom, dad," she turned over to her lover and smiled,

"i finally did it."



woooo thank you so much for reading and being patient with my slow as shit updates !

it's been fun writing this ig , it was alot more enjoyable when i first started but my writing style at the beginning is so shit 😭😭 . oh well . i'm not editing this because it's too much work . so if the story seems really off and confusing at the start ,,

it's because eighth grade me sucks ass at writing LMFAO .

id feel too bad if i had discontinued the story earlier so i decided to finish it first because i used to hate it when the authors would discontinue a really good book that i liked . even if this book wasn't really good, some of you idiots thought it was decent so ,, here ig . and thank you . like actually bro, thank you all so much .

aaa this is so cringey i absolutely hate this book with a passion . i'm never writing again LMFAOOA .

anyways ,, i hope everyone is doing well ! stay safe during this time and WEAR YOUR MASKS YOU LOSERS .

so ,, farewell lovelies <3

go play some valorant .

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