birthday special~

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(irrelevant to the story)

"helloo? boys!" i snapped my fingers and waved in their faces.

they all stopped talking and looked at me, "jisung's finally out of the room and you decide to have a talk about chicken?"

woojin spoke up, "chicken's great, chae!" which caused me to facepalm.

"chan, jisung's birthday is today. did you forget?" i asked, looking at him.

i saw chan's face go blank. what does that mean? he then gasped dramatically, "it's baby squirrel's birthday today!!"

"yes, chan. it's his birthday." i sighed and facepalmed at his reaction.

seungmin walked up to me, "noona, what should we plan?" he asked, innocently behind those evil eyes.

"that's the problem. i don't know.." i said as i walked out of the room, leaving everyone behind.


i walked back into the practice room, with bags full of decorations. "cmon guys, let's start." i immediately said.

"why?" minho asks, "there's still a few hours left." i sighed, "there's a lot of stuff to do, and who knows when jyp is gonna let him come back? he might come back early."

everyone nodded at my words and gathered around the bags, taking out the stuff.

chan looked at me, "what?" i questioned. "we gotta make a birthday cake." he stated, not breaking eye contact.

i looked away, flustered, "yeah, let's make the cake." i said, walking out.

"chae!" i heard a girl's voice call out to me. i turned around and saw a familiar girl walk towards me.

i squinted my eyes, "yeonie?"

she laughed, "still blind, huh~ anyways, today's jisung oppa's birthdayy!" i looked at her, searching behind, and around.

"yeah, uh, where's sookie?" i asked, confused. "ah, sookie's coming when everything's set." she replied.

i sighed, "gosh, that girl's smart. leaving us to do all the work." i said, chuckling.

"where are you headed to?" yeonie asks, walking to my side. "we're going to make his cake." chan replies, out of nowhere.

he ruffles yeonie's hair, "i haven't seen you in awhile, yeons." he smiled at her. "channn oppaa, can i help make the cake~?" yeonie pleads, with puppy eyes.

i laughed along with chan, "no. you're gonna kill us in a fire."

she pouts, "buttt, i guess you could help with the little things." i told her, which made her smile brightly. "yes!!" she cheered.


we finished baking the cake and headed back to the practice room. "waahh, this is amazing." i said in awe, as we walked inside.

felix responds, "i know right," he flips his imaginary long hair, "i did that."

changbin smacks his head, "yah, quit lying. we all did this." felix winces and pouts, causing us to laugh at him.

as the scene plays infront of us, a girl walks in quietly.

"sookie! heyy!" yeonie walks up to her and hugs her. sookie smiles and returns her hug, "is everything finished?" she asks.

i rolled my eyes, jokingly, "no, we saved the hard work for you." she gasps dramatically, "in that case, i'll come back later." she joked.

yeonie pulls her to the others, "she's jokingg, we're all done." i nodded, "now, we wait for the little squirrel to come back."

we spent the last remaining hour, conversing and joking with eachother. hyunjin said he would go get jisung. we don't even know what he's doing.

then, voices were heard outside of the practice room. woojin rushed to the lights and turned them off, as we hid in the corners, quietly.

"happy birthday!!" we yelled out and turned the lights on, when jisung walked inside.

he placed a hand over his heart, "omo- you scared me, ah i thought i had a heart attack!" he said, dramatically.

we excitedly walked over to him, with his cake, singing happy birthday. "happy birthday to youu~" we ended the song by wiping icing on his cheek, and clapped, smiling.

"thank you guys so much." jisung said with a big smile on his face.

hi helloo,, it's jisung's birthday todayy, in korea! our jisung is now officially 18~ but of coursee, will still be our baby. ahh, they're growing up so fastt. since this is what i updated today, can you guess what'll be next?~

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