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bang chan.

he was the first person who came to my mind, when i woke up.

i'm worried. for myself.

daily routine? finished. i changed into my uniform and headed to school.

i held a straight face, walking into the gates. eyes were on me, as i walked through the hall.


laughter broke out, as i was pushed onto the ground.

and the one who caused it, was him.

i wasn't, yet was surprised. why did you act so nice and caring to me before?

"you should watch where you're going." they glared at me.

averting my eyes from them, i got up and dusted my skirt. i nodded lightly.


i walked out of class, thinking to myself.

did i anger them? why are they back to bullying me after taking care of me?

i shook the thought away and walked to my locker.

as i opened it, letters flew out. they're hate letters, aren't they.

i picked them up, stuffing it into my bag. closing my locker, i turned around and books were thrown at me.

i winced and grunted, "what the hell?" i muttered.

"do our homework, doll." chan said, smirking. he crouched down to my level, as i was picking the books up.

he looked into my eyes, threateningly. "if they aren't finished, you know what's gonna happen." he stated, before he walked away, smirking.

"what a loser."
"disgusting creature."

countless insults were directed towards me as i walked out the hall, with the boys' books in my hands.


i walked into the cafe, ordering an iced coffee, and went home.

placing the books onto my desk, i started their homework first.

from time to time, i placed my head down, groaning at the headaches that were forming.

so many words and equations in one night.

hours passed and it was, now, 6:52am and i'm still doing homework. i whimpered, "no sleep.."

there wasn't much time left before school started, so i stopped working.

i changed into a new set of uniform and walked to school, drowsily.

"did you finish?" a voice said, as they were gripping my shoulder. i took his hand off my shoulder and turned to him, nervously.

stuttering, i spoke lightly, "i d-didn't have time to finish one of them." with that said, i handed him the books.

i watched as he passed them to the boys and he held the last one in his hands. i looked at him, nervously.

the last one was the one i didn't get to do.

he flipped through the pages and checked where the homework was. when he couldn't find it, he looked down at me with a scowl on his face.

i gulped and backed up, each time he walked forward to me. soon, i was against the lockers, with a furious chan infront of me.

"really? it's mine?" he asked, shaking his book infront of my face. i flinched at the action, scared that he would slap me with it.

as if he read my mind, he slapped me. "you really ruin everything for me, huh?" he said, chuckling sarcastically.

i looked down, biting my lip. it's actually you who ruins everything for me.

he roughly grabbed my chin and lifts it up, making me look at him. "are you ignoring me now? wow. bold, aren't you?"

i clenched my jaw, not wanting to speak. he 'tch'ed and pushed my head back, making me hit the lockers behind me.

i winced and held the back of my head, as they walked away. "you can do it in class, chan." i heard one of the boys say.

why is it me that's their target?


"park chaeyoung!" the teacher yelled, causing me to raise my head up quickly.

there was an annoyed expression on her face, "first, no homework and now you're sleeping my class?! detention!" she yelled again, which caused me to sigh.

this was the third time i fell asleep. i guess she wasn't giving me anymore chances.

"yes, ma'am." i replied, respectfully.

it's not my fault, though. right?

class ended and i grabbed my bag, walking to the detention room. i heard various whispers coming from students as they head out the opposite way.

"she got a detention?"
"yeah, i couldn't believe it either."
"i heard she fell asleep in class. three times!"
"i thought she was the top student."

i listened to the last comment. that's gonna change.

opening the door, i sat in the back corner. i zipped open my bag, taking out the letters i received yesterday.

there's nothing else to do, mind as well check these out.

i'm jealous that you get so much attention from stray kids despite all the bullying. you're really taking my place.

i confusedly read the letter twice, trying to understand it. nothing clicked, so i carried on to the next.

you cause so much trouble for chan oppa. do you see how stressed he is around you? just die. he doesn't need a slut like you around.

how am i a slut? i questioned the letter. thirsty girls.

stay away from stray kids. they're mine. especially chan. he's mine. back off, loser.

i rolled my eyes and let out a sarcastic laugh. "i'm surprised he has so many fangirls, despite his shitty personality." i mumbled.

after some letters, i finished and realised that tears were falling.

i wiped them away, but they kept coming back. "what did i ever do?" i asked myself. i still had an hour left of detention.

i stuffed the letters back into my bag and laid my head down, on the desk. "maybe i should just die." i muttered to myself, before closing my eyes and falling asleep, once again.

hAhA- no channie pov todayy~~ my instagram is so dead. i'm sad. my friend got into a car wreck & she's hurt. so she's in the hospital now & most likely listening to the little playlist that she requested for me to make. she's okay but the other two are still badly injured. pray for them, please? i'd appreciate it if you did. thanks, byee~

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