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"what the hell?!"

"what the fuck."

"i can't believe it; we were right. she'll never change." seungmin stated, fist bumping jeongin. "now's not the time to be celebrating," chan grumbled, "save it for after we clear things out with chae." the boys quieted down, now worried on how their female friend was taking it. it might be hard on her. might? hell, it is hard on her. imagine running into seeing your boyfriend and another girl—the girl who hates your guts!— locking lips. anyone would be heartbroken.

as the boys near their friend's home, it was like the air around them changed into despair. her usual bright home seemed dark and depressing now. maybe it was just the mood they were in, the worry they felt, the overwhelming anxiety and fear of seeing their friend's hot tears again. they didn't know how to decipher it, but they knew that if they left her alone again, they'd never forgive themselves.

knock. knock.

no answer. they knocked twice more; still no answer. the boys won't stop knocking until chaeyoung lets them in. but they don't know the state she's in, and she never wants them to see her so pathetic like this.

the girl wails in the corner of her bedroom floor, hugging her legs to her chest as her head rests on her knees. she ignores the constant, loud knocking on her front door, knowing that it was her group of friends. she didn't want to move; her motivation for everything vanished instantly after witnessing the scene.

how could i be so stupid? she scolded herself, i should've listened to them. but her guilt got the best of her. she was afraid. what if they yell at her for not listening? what if they blame it on her? for bringing jieun back in their lives? that what happened earlier today was her fault and only hers?

chaeyoung's tears roll down her cheeks one by one as her thoughts flew around violently inside her clouded mind. she didn't know what to do, and she wanted to be alone. or she thinks she does. does chaeyoung really want to be alone right now? or did she want someone to hug her? to comfort her and tell her that everything is okay?

i'm pathetic. i can't do anything right.

her whimpers were within earshot now that the boys were inside her little home. it took a moment for chan to remember that there was a spare key hidden on top of the doorframe, which he had discovered one day on accident.

the door of her bedroom was slammed open by her boyfriend who held a pissed off expression. he was mad; not at her, but at himself for letting that happen. his anger subsided when he caught sight of his girlfriend whimpering alone in the corner of her room.

chan held her in his arms tightly, rubbing circles on her back which soothed her deeply. her sobs died down, and the only thing heard was her little sniffles. chaeyoung was precious to chan; he handled her with care, as if she was glass—fragile.

though chaeyoung's sobs died down, her thoughts still ran wild in her mind. she kept asking herself if she was enough—enough for chan, if he truly loved her, if they just pitied her? chae looked up slowly, locking eyes with her boyfriend. his eyes held much comfort, love, and worry, whilst hers held sorrow, insecurity, and fear. much opposite looks.

chan noticed her sad gaze and wanted nothing more than to comfort her and make her feel better. he placed a light kiss on her forehead which left a tingling feeling on her skin.

butterflies erupted in her stomach after the action, and her tears began falling again, causing chan to panic.

"hey, don't cry. i'm right here." he comforted, hugging her close as he rubbed featherlight circles on her back.

in the moment, it felt like it was just chaeyoung and chan in the world. everything else was a blur, like it momentarily stopped for her to cherish this time with her lover. nothing else mattered but being in his arms, in his care.

eventually, chaeyoung did stop crying. she felt hesitant the rest of the day, afraid that jieun might come back to do something to break them apart. but she knew that chan and the boys would never let that happen; hell, she'd never forgive herself if she lost chan to jieun again.

from then on, she pledged to never give into guilt. because god knows exactly what she went through.


"goodmorning, sunshine!"

chaeyoung had felt the slightest bit better, knowing that the boys were there to help her through anything and everything. to think that they all had a terrible past was insane, considering how close they were now. there's no explaining it, but for sure nothing would ever separate them.

the usual pancakes and waffles for breakfast brought smiles to their faces as they dug in quickly.

"crazy, huh. tomorrow's last day of classes, then graduation." minho piped, earning sighs of relief from the seniors in the group. they were tired of it, and beyond happy that it was finally over. doesn't mean college isn't an option , they still have a pretty big future ahead of them. but for now, graduation followed by a hot summer break was the number one thing on their minds.

they tidied up the dishes and walked to the campus. chan and chae held hands like usual, however, this time chan held hers a little tighter. perhaps he was a bit afraid to let go and somehow lose her. who knows? yesterday he had almost lost her because of the stupid little stunt that jieun had pulled. but it doesn't matter, their group was no longer associated with her. and they made sure of that.

whispers and looks were scattered around as the group walked through the halls together. "apparently jieun did something and fucked up big time."

"right? it's obvious, just look, she's nowhere in sight."

"probably ashamed. i know i would be."

snickers were heard from the younger boys as chan and chaeyoung rolled their eyes. word spreads fast i guess. especially when their group is very well known throughout the school. nothing about them goes unnoticed.

but maybe it's better like that. maybe they prefer it like that. because they're feared in a way, and no one dares to step in their way.

once the older members graduate, it'll be different. no one has ever seen their group split up. but surely, no doubt, the older kids will definitely come around campus often just to hang out with their youngest members. like a family, their bond is just so powerful. no one could ever separate them, it would feel too off.

and now that jieun's out of the picture, their last days of school will fly by without a doubt. no drama, no stress. not a single thing will get into their way again. and nothing, for sure, will break the bond that chan and chae share.

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