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i woke up at 3am, jolting up from a nightmare.

it was about him and his group again.

i glared into space, with him still on my mind, from the recent nightmare. "why can't you ever leave me alone?!" i shouted out, frustratedly.

sitting up like that for awhile, i finally got the strength to get out of bed. despite it being 3am, i'm hungry and there's nothing to eat. so, i'm going the store.

of course, it's close by.

i put on a hoodie, rubbing my eyes, and walking out of my room, glancing at my parents' room as i walk passed.

the streets were dark, aside from one of those streetlights that appear every once in awhile.

there was the store, which shined from bright lights from the inside.

i walked in drowsily, grabbing the desired snacks, and walked to the cashier.

i glanced up, slightly, "that'll be $3.64, miss." a boy, seeming to be around my age, spoke.

i reached inside the pocket of my sweatpants, in search of my wallet.

"shit." i mumbled, fumbling in every pocket. i left the stupid wallet home.

goddamn it. i cursed, ruffling my hair out of frustration. "i'm terribly sorry.." i said lightly, while bowing.

when i looked up, there was a hand, giving money to the boy who stood behind the counter.

the change was given, and i looked back to the person who payed for my snacks.

there, i stood frozen. backing up a little with my eyes showing slight fear.

"h-hyunjin.." i stuttered out, lightly. he came closer, grabbing my snacks, which he payed for. "here, noona." he said, softly, handing the bag to me.

i looked at the bag, and back at him, hesitant to take it. "just take it, noona. it's okay." he said, again, softly.

slowly, i took the bag from his grasp. "t-thank you.." i mumbled, whilst bowing, slightly afraid.

he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the little store. by now, i was shaking of fear. it's pathetic, cause i'm the older one.

"where are y-you taking me..?" i spoke, softly, which caused him to turn around, looking at me. i avoided eye contact with him, "i'm taking you to the dorm." he said, "it's not safe for you to walk home alone, this late at night."

i was shocked, as he pulled me, lightly, behind him. where is this caring coming from? i asked myself.

we reached the dorms, which he was talking about. from outside the door, i could hear laughters and muffled voices. it seems he has visitors, or roommates?

the door was opened, and the laughter continued, "yah, hyunjin-ah! what took you so long?" a voice jokingly complained. bang chan.

as hyunjin walked in, i remained frozen outside. eyes widened, and body shaking from fear.

i saw him look back. he walked over and pulled me inside the dorm. there were my bullies.

silence filled the room, and hyunjin spoke softly, "make yourself at home."

all eyes were on me, and i bowed respectfully at them all, clenching tightly onto the bag of snacks, out of fear.

hyunjin led me to the couch area, where the others were seated. i held myself back from his light grasp, and walked further away from the members, to be sitting on the floor.

"where are the snacks, hyunjin?" felix asked. i was still clenching onto the bag, "argh, i forgot." hyunjin whined.

i stopped gripping the bag so tightly, and made my way over to hyunjin, cautiously. i held the bag in front of him, "here." i spoke lightly, "you payed for them, so it's the least i could do."

as he took the bag from my hands, "thank you, noona.." i walked back to where i was seated, further away from the boys.

i sat down, and looked at the floor, and to my hands. they were shaking. i shut my eyes tightly, and did the sign of the cross, starting my daily prayer to my mother and father.

"eomma, appa, i'm safe. please, don't worry. although, i'm not home, i still have a place to stay until then. rest well, i love you." i whispered, very inaudibly. i quickly did the sign of the cross, ending my prayer.

i looked up and saw the members looking at me. their faces showed smiles, which seemed to be like they were ready to burst out laughing.

quickly, i looked down, hoping that they'd stop staring. is it because they saw me do the sign of the cross? did they think i was praying to god for them to not hurt me?

"why don't you come over here, chae? i would assume you are hungry too, since you're out this late." chan said.

i flinched at the voice, nodding once in response. i walked over and sat down, on the floor, not wanting to be too close to the stray kids.

chan, who held one of my snacks, got up and grabbed my wrist, which caused me to flinch. he looked rather worried, but shook it off and led me to where he was seated, on the couch.

he handed me some packs of gummies, which i chose. i took them, hesitantly, and looked at him.

a soft smile was visible on his face as i took the gummies. "thanks.." i mumbled. the group started talking and laughing with eachother, as if i weren't here.

how foolish of me to struggle opening the pack of gummies. i leaned back on the couch, flustered. chan took the pack from me and opened it, placing it back on my lap. "s-sorry." i whispered, softly.

he only smiled, eating the chips, returning to his conversations with his members.

i, now, realised how cute he was.

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