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i really have nothing to write cous i'm basically just relying on my brain to make something up on the spot and hope that it'll satisfy y'all :/ i've made the main plot but scenes in between weren't planned and that's what's throwing me off.
sorry guys but i think i'm cutting off the story here.

;; LMAO YALL APRIL FOOLS HAHAHAH i aint ending this story until im finISHED. i worked long and hard for this and i made it this far, im not shutting it off without my ending >:((( but what i said was true though lol, i have nothing planned in between but that's okay haha i dont mind- kinda but as long as it makes yall satisfied somehow, im all good. love yall, and fooled yall ;))))

"yeonie, i don't know what to do anymore."

an hour has passed since the kiss, and chaeyoung decided to call yeonie. since the two were bestfriends and yeonie was the only one, excluding the boys, who knew of her relationship with chan, chaeyoung thought yeonie would help.

"and you think i know?" yeonie questioned, followed by a sigh, "you really should just talk to him."

chaeyoung runs a hand through her hair and groans, "yknow what? fine. i'll go over to their dorm."


"yes, yeonie. that's the only thing you've been telling me to do." she rolled her eyes, smiling at yeonie's little noises.

"quit squealing, b, bye." with that, chaeyoung ended and smacked her cheeks, trying to ease her heated cheeks.

her heartbeat was speeding up, and she became extremely nervous. what if chan doesn't want to see her? what if he thinks she's disgusting for kissing him?

chaeyoung shook her head, trying to erase the negative thoughts from her mind.

she grabbed her phone, sticking it into her back pocket, and walked to her front door, passing her parents' bedroom.

she sighed, "i wish you guys were still here, to help me and give me advice."

as chaeyoung walked to the boys' dorm, she chewed on her bottom lip a few times. she felt nervous, and there was no other way to ease it.

she released a deep breath and knocked on their door.

the door opens with a swift move, and there she saw woojin. "oppa! heyy, how've you been? hahaa.."

the awkward aura was clearly visible coming from chaeyoung and woojin knew what it was about.

"we saw eachother an hour ago, i'm fine." he chuckled. "chan's in his room, you really should check up on him."

chaeyoung gulped, nodding to the boy, "w-will do."

should i kiss her the next time i see her? should i ask her to be my girlfriend? oh god, what am i gonna do?

chan was having a mini crisis at the moment. he had no clue how to approach chaeyoung after the kiss.

would this be a good time to tell her that he wants to be her boyfriend? now?

suddenly, his train of thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. he groaned in annoyance and opened the door angrily, "i told you i didn't want to be bothered right now!"

there, chaeyoung stood shocked, and frightened.

chan's eyes widened in surprise and softened when he saw her scared state. "nonono! i'm sorry, that wasn't meant for you! i'm sorry!!"

chaeyoung stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do next.

"about the kiss–"

they started, talking in unison. they stopped, and stared at eachother, "you first–" they chorused.


"argh, i'm sorry for suddenly kissing you!" chaeyoung exclaimed, having enough of their awkward atmosphere.

"it was sudden, yeah i'm so, super, extremely sorry for that! i was just so irritated by jieun and i hated being her little toy so i used you to defend myself, i'm so sorry!"

chaeyoung gulped and released a breath she'd been holding in, "but i really enjoyed it, the kiss." she muttered, and chan managed to make it out.

chan cracked a light smile, seeing how panicky she was about the whole situation. before he was also like that, but now seeing that she's going through the same thing, he's glad she feels the same way.

chaeyoung was breathing quite rapidly, her eyes showed everything. chan didn't immediately respond to her explanation, which made her a bit scared.

chan pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her waist while the other arm cupped her cheek.

she sucked in a breath, her hands on his chest, as she flushed from his touch. he leaned in, stopping inches away from her lips.

his lips brushed against hers and he closed his eyes, connecting their lips. chaeyoung quickly responded to the kiss, moving their lips in sync.

"just date already, you idiots!!"

chan and chaeyoung removed their hands from eachother and looked to where the voice came from.

there, they saw all the boys watching them.

"that's the second kiss now. ask her to be your girlfriend!" jisung exclaimed, pointing at them.

chan looked at her, smiling as she just chuckled at their childishness. "wanna be my girlfriend now?"

chaeyoung rolled her eyes at his question, "i've waited too long, kid."

they bursts out into laughter and chaeyoung finished, "yes, of course. i'll be your girlfriend."

"kiss! kiss again!" jeongin yelled, jisung following along.

the, now, couple laughed and shook their heads, "that's enough kisses for today."

the two boys awhed, pouting. chaeyoung patted chan's cheek and pushed him back lightly.

"i think i've seen you too much today, chan. i'll be heading home now."

as chaeyoung headed towards the door, the boys waved and said their goodbyes.

chan opened the door and sneaked a kiss on her cheek as she walked out. "we're going on a date tomorrow! love youu!!"

before chae could object, he shut the door, causing her to shake her head, chuckling.

so far so good, right?

did i take long?? i'm sorry ievjshjrg i think i've gone brain dead ughhh. i have a project that's due on tuesday and i haven't even touched my computer yet pfff. additional to that, i have a piano recital next week and i'm absolutely not prepared for it ohmygod. anywayyy,, i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
btw, is it too much to ask for some support here lol i need some major cheering up cous i've been feeling so down in the dumps lately.
i love you all so much!!

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