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stray kids stayed home, having their play date there.

they watched a movie and played games.

"let's sing karaoke!" seungmin suggests. everyone agrees, turning to chaeyoung for her approval.

chaeyoung looks at them, "sure, why not." she said, smiling.

the members looked at eachother, thinking if they should tell chae.

chan speaks up, "it may seem weird to say, but we make our own music."

the others nod, waiting for chaeyoung's reaction.

her eyebrows furrowed, "is that so?" she asked, "could i hear a piece?"

the boys nodded, smiling. "how about hellevator?" chan says.

the girl is amused by the name, excited to hear the song.

seungmin starts the song, singing softly, surprising the girl.

when changbin's rap comes along, she was taken aback from his skilled rapping.

she never knew her bullies were this talented.

chan's voice was the one that stood out, out of the members. chaeyoung felt drawn to his voice.

she couldn't stop staring, as he sang his part.

chaeyoung listened to each and every word they sang, feeling the emotions that were placed into the lyrics, written by the boys.

"i'm on a hellevator!" they finished the first verse, also doing the hand movements while singing the last line.

the girl looked at the members, amazed, "wah, amazing." she clapped.

although, she was a bit confused about their hand movements during the last part.

"what was that at the end?" she asked, receiving light laughters from the boys.

"we make the choreography to our songs too." chan answers.

chaeyoung was surprised, amazed, she couldn't believe how talented they were.

"okay, let's sing your songs then," chae suggests, "i'll learn them as you sing them!"

the songs played, and chaeyoung listened closely to every word.

all the songs were great, she was still in shock.

chaeyoung listened to the song, her smile never once leaving her face.

soon, she started to sing along to some lyrics.

her voice shocked the boys, they also never knew she could sing.

but what shocked them was her rapping skills.

the girl seemed fragile, like a soft vocalist type. the boys never would've thought that she could rap changbin's part.

she messed up on some lyrics, as she only listened to it once, she laughed lightly in embarrassment from her mistakes.

the boys complimented her, drowning her in praise.

"your rapping skills are amazing!!" jisung complimented.

"your voice is also amazing," chan adds, "let's sing a song you like!"

the girl thought for awhile, "hm, perfect? by ed sheeran."

"chan hyung, you should sing with her!" hyunjin handed him a mic.

"a-aniyaa,," chan tried to decline, but the song already started.

chaeyoung started softly, smiling whilst singing, turning to chan when it was his turn.

the boy sang softly as well, looking at chae.

soon, they both sang together, harmonising with eachother.

their duet was beautiful, leaving the others in awe.

everyone clapped, cheering on the two.

both smiled, bowing at their audience, "thank you, thank youu~"

each had a turn, singing their favourite songs with eachother.

all laughed, having fun with eachother.

some sang as background vocals, and some sang along for fun.

overall, everyone used their voices.

all were shocked with how well eachother could both rap and sing.

everyone had hidden talents that no one knew about.

so, at the end of their karaoke date, they all decided to tell eachother about themselves. mostly chaeyoung, as the boys are already close with eachother.

"chaeyoung, aside from singing and rapping, what other special talents do you have?" woojin asked, gathering everyone's attention.

chaeyoung went silent, wondering what else she specialised in.

"i play piano?" chae said, coming out more like a question.

the boys laughed, "we don't know, do you?"

she became flustered, "i play a bit of piano, yes!"

"chan hyung, felix, woojin hyung, and jeongin play piano too!" minho exclaims.

"i guess we all have a lot in common." chae said, smiling, chuckling lightly.

hii i'm sorry! ending it short this week cous i have a piano recital in a few hours :')) i hope you enjoyed this chapter! also,, i'm thinking of writing a short stray kids imagines book so i can write some little imagines that i randomly thought of whenever i can't think of anything to write in this book- oops,, bYE!

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