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"yah, wake up." chaeyoung ordered, drowsily. the younger ones groaned, as they stirred in their sleep. "it's already 12pm. you two better go home before your leader goes all bad boy on me." she said, pushing them off the couch.

the boys groaned, rubbing their bums in pain, "you're so mean, pushing us off like that." chaeyoung shrugged as yeonie laughed, witnessing the scene before her. both girls laid down, closing their eyes again as the boys pouted, getting their things.

"can you believe she's kicking us out when we just woke up?" jeongin clenched his jaw, smiling passive aggressively, "yah, park chaeyoung!" he let out after they walked out her house. seungmin laughed at his playful behaviour.

from inside, the older girl heard him. she raised an eyebrow, amused of his confidence. when their footsteps faded, the girls fell back into their precious slumber. the boys conversed about their movie night, on their way back. however, they stopped when they reached their door.

seungmin unlocked the door, stepping inside their dorm. the first to see them were felix and hyunjin. "who invited you?" hyunjin asked immediately. the boys pursed their lips, not knowing how to answer.

felix patted hyunjin's back, "let them settle down first, they just got back." both released a sigh of relief, walking towards seungmin and felix's shared room, with the two other boys following behind them.

all four sat on the bed, again, hyunjin spoke first, "spill it." jeongin scratched his nape, looking over at seungmin to explain. seungmin got the sign, sighing, he answered, "we went over to chae noona's house."

hyunjin and felix's eyes were gauging at the statement, "she invited you over?!" the younger boys smiled, "no, we just walked over there." hyunjin and felix looked at them in shock. they were surprised she let them in.

"wah, amazing." they muttered, loud enough for the boys to hear. seungmin and jeongin nodded confidently, and proudly. they started to blabber about their fun night, making the older boys envious of their non planned sleepover.

suddenly, hyunjin and felix stood up, startling the younger boys. "pack your bags, you're going to another sleepover with your hyungs." felix stated, with a poker face, making hyunjin laugh.

while they were packing, jisung walked in yelling. the boys weren't phased, it was a normal thing happening in the dorms. "are you four moving out?!" jisung panicked, looking at all the bags.

"no! we're sleeping over at a friend's house." hyunjin said, smacking jisung's back. "oh. thanks for inviting me!" jisung exclaimed happily, running out the room to pack his things.

the boys looked at each other, facepalming. "hurry! let's leave him!" jeongin laughed evilly, grabbing his bags. everyone laughed, getting their bags. they weren't going to actually leave jisung, don't worry.

after a minute, jisung popped his head into the boys' room, "let's go!" he said with a big smile. what an excited squirrel. the boys walked out their room, into the kitchen. they grabbed all sorts of snacks, ignoring the fact that they're short on food.

luckily for them, the older members weren't home. they were currently at jieun's house, hanging out with her. too bad for chan, he was the one missing out on the real fun.

the girls were sitting on the couch, scrolling through their feed. "chae-" yeonie started, getting cut off, "shut it, yeons. you have 14k followers, we aren't that far apart." chaeyoung said, placing her phone down.

yeonie sighed, "okay fine, i'll stop." she turned off her phone, looking at chaeyoung. slowly, and lowly, yeonie spoke up, "how.. did they pass?"

chaeyoung's eyes darted to yeonie, eyebrows furrowed, "a car accident." her answer was straightforward and calm, but her eyes were cold. it was like she was wearing a mask, covering her weaknesses.

their conversation went in deep, chaeyoung told yeonie from start to finish. to yeonie's surprise, chaeyoung shed no tears.

chaeyoung hasn't talked about their death to anyone, and yeonie was her first. she didn't regret telling her, she was glad she said something before she went insane.

after, the girls went to the kitchen. they were hungry and were lazy to buy take out. chaeyoung took out ingredients, telling yeonie what to do with which.

both cooked a good meal, something they've been crazy since last month. they stirred the pasta in the pan, "i think it's ready."

out of no where, the door opened. the girls looked at each other, confused. chaeyoung put a finger to her mouth, signaling to keep quiet.

chaeyoung walked along the walls of her kitchen, staying alert of her surroundings. the girl peeked out to the living room, seeing if anyone was there. the only thing she saw was a dark clothed figure near her, with their back turned.

the girl glared at him, dashing out from her hiding spot and put her arms around his neck, in a choke hold. "who are you?!" she yelled.

suddenly, more figures came out. this time, she knew these figures. chaeyoung held her tight grip, looking at the boys in confusion, "what are you guys doing here?"

the boy in her grip coughed, patting her arm, "hey, can you let go now?" he whispered, faintly struggling.

chaeyoung released him, now recognising him as felix. "ah, sorry buddy." she patted his back as he coughed.

yeonie peeked outside, seeing seungmin and jeongin with three new boys. the one on the floor caught her eye. he's pretty cute.

the boys laughed, "did you think we were thieves?" chaeyoung looked at them, sighing, "no shit. how'd you get in?"

"you told us where you put your spare key." jeongin shrugged, his smile proudly showing off his braces. chaeyoung facepalmed, "you're too bold."

jisung looked around, smelling the scent of food, "what are you cooking?" he walked into the kitchen, and without warning he was almost stabbed with a spoon.

everyone walked into the kitchen, seeing yeonie wielding a spoon, targeting it at jisung. chaeyoung chuckled, walking up to yeonie, "he's harmless."

"yeah, but she isn't." jisung scrambled to his feet, getting next to hyunjin. seungmin and jeongin laughed at her, "really? a spoon?"

yeonie scoffed, "shut up!" everyone laughed, getting a good first impression of yeonie. however, she mainly looked at the freckled boy with that deep voice.

chaeyoung noticed this and secretly smiled at her friend. "how's the pasta?" she asked, snapping yeonie out of her daze. "ah yeah, it's done."

the boys looked at the girls, licking their lips. chaeyoung smirked, "you're lucky we made a lot." with that, the boys cheered.

everyone ate their servings, enjoying the well cooked meal. "wah, you girls will be good wives." they complimented, making the girls chuckle.

chaeyoung looked up at everyone after finishing her dinner. she cleared her throat, motioning her hand to yeonie, "this is park seoyeon, but you can call her yeonie."

the new boys bowed lightly in their seats, "han jisung,

hwang hyunjin,

lee felix."

they introduced, in order of their seating. they also exchanged ages, and birthdays, getting yeonie excited.

after hearing felix's age, she was delighted, "he's around my age!!" she thought. chaeyoung could see the happiness in her younger friend's eyes. seeing that made her happy.

chaeyoung wished that one day, maybe just one day, she'll find that kind of love again.

hey theree lovelies! an extra special long chapter just for you all cous i've been in my happy moods lately. did you guys laugh at all? i tried to make it funny in some parts oof dovjejg;; have a wonderful day, ilysm !!

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