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park chaeyoung's pov

the usual morning routine was done. i walked out the house and made my way to school.

i remained cautious of surroundings, paying attention if mina was around me.

she wasn't. not yet, at least.

i ran to my first class, with a straight face.

"i heard she skipped the whole day, yesterday."

"she was at school, though. she just skipped all the classes."

many whispers were heard as i ran through the hall.

i clenched my jaw, remembering what happened yesterday.

as i made it to my desk, the students around whisper while they stare at me.

"got a problem?" i asked, coldly, causing them to look away, immediately.


the classes go on, but the teachers never forgot about my absence yesterday.

"i'm sure the first teacher gave you a detention, so just remember to not do this again, okay? you're the best student here, chaeyoung-ah." mrs. oh said.

i sighed, lightly, avoiding eye contact, "yes ma'am."

she dismissed me and all i could feel was guilt.

i'm sorry, mrs. oh, but i can't stand being the best student anymore.

the walk to the detention room wasn't far. i sticked to the back seat, where i would be hidden.

for awhile, i thought everyone left the campus. but, i was wrong.

a group of girls dragged me out the detention room, into another classroom.

i noticed the familiar faces and realised that they were with mina.

speaking of the devil, she appeared as soon as her girls threw me to the floor.

she smirked, "well, well, well," she leaned down, "look who's the baddie."

"at least i was the best student," i scoffed, "you failed all your classes."

mina glared at me, slapping me after, "you think you're all that? i'm the queen here, you peasant!"

she snapped her finger, which causes two girls to show up with a bucket.

my guess was water.

"soak her." mina growled. the girls walked towards me and dumped the water onto me.

i flinched at the contact, "shit." i mumbled, it was much colder than i thought.

on instinct, i got up and walked to the door, only to be pushed back down by mina.

"where do you think you're going? you're gonna stay here," mina said, grabbing the remote, which controls the a.c. in the room,

"and freeze to death." she said, before shutting the door.

a click was heard, she locked me inside. suddenly, the a.c. turned on.

i started shaking, hugging myself for warmth. tears started falling, as i was frustrated. "why is it always me?" i muttered.

it'd be useless to try opening the door, so i remained on the floor. i felt numb and weak, all the energy was drained from my body. i couldn't move, aside from shaking.

it was hard to breathe, i felt like fainting.

as i glanced out the door once more, my eyes shut on its own, and my sight darkened.

third person pov

chaeyoung laid, unconscious, on the floor, as the freezing temperature engulfed her body.

for awhile, she was left there, until a group of boys strolled by.

"woah, you can feel the coldness from this room, from out here!" hyunjin exclaimed, pointing at the room, which chaeyoung was in.

the boys looked inside, noticing a girl laying on the floor.

the younger ones look at their leader, chan.

ignoring their looks, he opens the door, entering the room.

chan lightly shakes the girl, hoping that she would wake up.

when her hair shifts away from her face, the boys get a clear look at her face.

that's when they knew it was chaeyoung.

seeing this, chan quickly carries chaeyoung into his arms, bridal style. with a worried expression, he storms out of the room with his group members following behind.

"nurse!" he yelled, when he reached the nurse's office. the door was opened, revealing their school nurse.

she had a shocked expression on her face, "oh my- what happened to her?" the nurse asked out of worry.

the boys looked at eachother, full of worried looks, "we don't know either," chan answered.

he gently placed chaeyoung on the bed, backing away slowly, making room for the nurse.

"she's freezing cold.." chan mutters under his breath, as he watches chaeyoung.

the nurse gives her diagnosis, after observing chaeyoung.

"it's simple, she's getting bullied," the nurse says, "you boys are her friends, right?" she continues, "you should stay by her side, at all costs."

the boys nod, bowing respectfully, "thank you." they all say, softly.

"she'll be asleep for awhile, do you want to wait for her here or do you want to take her home?" the nurse asks.

"we'll take her home," minho answers, followed by chan, "we'll take it from here."

chan picks up chaeyoung again, walking to the door. "thank you for helping us, ma'am." he bows, as the others follow behind him.

they walk out of the campus, "are we taking her to our place?" jeongin asks, lightly.

chan only nods, leading the way home.

the rest of the walk was silent. as they reached their dorm, changbin opens the door for the others to go in.

all of the members accompany chan into his room, as he places chaeyoung, gently, on his bed.

the boys stood there for a bit, watching over her. soon, they all left the room, gathering at the dinner table.

everyone ate, except chan. he was still silent from chaeyoung's situation. he wants to know her more, understand her.

suddenly, they hear a scream from chan's room,


a/n [please read!]
it's three days, it's not late. is it? well, to those who say it's late, i'm sorry. i'm trying the best i can!
ALSO,, channie's birthday is coming up & i really want to do a birthday special but i don't know if you guys want it? it'll be irrelevant to the story, do you guys still want me to do it? please comment and tell me what you think!!

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