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the following morning, i woke up, later than expected.

shit, the mall date.

i checked my phone, and there it said 12pm. i only have an hour to get ready. with that said, i, hurriedly, did my daily routine, and went to my closet and picked something presentable.

it wasn't much. just some sweater with pants. although it looked plain, it was simple and nice.

12:30pm, it said. i have a bit of time left.

i couldn't eat breakfast, cause knowing the girls, they'd probably go out to eat first before shopping.

bang chan's pov

i sat on the couch, next to jeongin and felix. "let's do something fun today." minho says, grabbing everyone's attention.

they, then, turned to look at me. what?

"ughh, fine. let's go shopping." i finally replied.

i saw jisung and minho look at eachother, "yah, no kissing!" i joked.

minho looked over at me and threatened to throw a water bottle at me. okay damn!

the others laughed and quickly went to their rooms to change.

park chaeyoung's pov

"yah! what took you girls so long?!" i frowned at the two girls, who were panting on their butts.

yeonie gasped for breath, "w-we overslept. so we rushed here as fast as we could- what are you doing?! get us some water!!" she exclaimed.


"yeah yeah, i'm on it." i replied, walking to the kitchen. grabbing two cups, i filled them with cold, refreshing water before walking back to the girls.

i handed them each a cup, "here." they, gladly, took it and gulped it down.

they sat there for awhile before getting up again. "okay, we're good. let's go on our date!" sookie says, excitedly.


"oh my god." i sighed out, exhausted. "cmon chae!! we have so much more to gooo!" yeonie says, rushing to the next shop with sookie.

i pulled them back, "guys- we've been running around the mall, looking like idiots, all because you girls heard there was a sale on summer clothing." i gasped for breath.

"it's not summer anymore!" i exclaimed in their faces. "summer is always here when there's a sun!!" sookie talks back, with a big smile.

i looked at her in disbelief, "yeah okay, say that in the middle of december when the sun's shining."

imagining the two wearing crop tops in the winter, while they stutter out the statement sookie said?

that'll be great to see.

"hurry! let's go here!!" yeonie drags me into the store, following sookie. "next stop is food court!" i exclaimed, getting hungry from all the walking.


getting their desired shirts, dresses, etc., we finally headed to the food court.

"rock, paper, scissors!" we played, resulting to yeonie winning first. the second round, i won.

i laughed and pointed at sookie, "hAh! you're paying for the food!!" she pouted, but smiled after.

we'll get this. and that too. oh- and that one too? okay woah, how much is she getting?

"sOOKIE. that's enough." yeonie and i, both, exclaimed before facepalming at the girl. she laughs it off and pays for our meal.

our order was given and we walked to a table, setting our stuff down. "hey, have you guys heard of that sick italian chef?" sookie starts.

"uh, no?" i look at yeonie and then at sookie, with a confused expression. "well, he pasta way." sookie finishes, before bursting into fits of laughter while yeonie and i shake our heads, smiling at the stupid joke.

i gave her a look of disappointment, "why are you like this- this is why i disowned you!!" i said, using the inside joke we all have.

the girls laughed, "yet you still keep her under your roof." yeonie replies. looking at them both, "because i never found the right sized trash can yet." i said, trying to keep a serious expression but ends up laughing.

bang chan's pov

am i blessed or cursed?

i asked myself, as i watched chae and her friends eat in the food court. they were a few tables away but she wouldn't be able to recognise us. probably.

"hyung, isn't that-"

i cut jeongin off, "yes, that's chaeyoung." i said, sighing afterwards.

"it's probably just a coincidence." woojin says, sipping his coke, causing the rest of us to nod in agreement.

she was laughing, smiling, talking to actual people. she was doing something that she wouldn't do in school.

is this normal? has it always been like this, outside of school?

i watched as she sips her drink, smiling at the two girls whom she hung out with yesterday. "those girls are definitely her friends." seungmin says.

"they just don't go to our school." hyunjin adds.

jisung, then, questions, "why, though? that's the confusing part." everyone nods, not knowing how to answer.

we looked at the girls and watched as one of them point at us. "shit- they caught us, hide!" changbin exclaims.

park chaeyoung's pov

"chae, there's a group of boys looking over here." yeonie says as she points behind me, making me turn around.

to my surprise, it was stray kids. why are they, all of a sudden, everywhere?

i turned back around and looked at yeonie, "just ignore them. they're probably just jealous of the delicious foods we have." i told her.

"that i bought! ahem, you're welcome." sookie butts in, making us laugh.


i waved at the girls as i opened my front door. "bye, chae! see you next time!" they yelled out, with bright smiles on their faces.

closing the door, i took off my shoes, and walked to my room. 8:47pm, the clock said. there isn't really anything else to do.

i climbed into bed, after doing my nightly routine. "a start of a new day, begins tomorrow." i sighed.

goodnight, eomma. goodnight, appa. i miss you.

im sorry for the long wait :')) i've fallen sick & my brain hurts right now as i'm typing this. coUGHs- see what i did there ;))) sorry-

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