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the group ended up playing games, singing karaoke, and all sorts of fun things. they stayed up a bit later than their usual bedtime, seeing that more people were inside the house.

in the morning, they miserably regretted staying up, but it was so worth it. the boys were smart enough to pack their uniforms the night before. everyone walked yeonie to her school first before making their way to their own.

the boys walked in before chaeyoung to avoid any conflicts. chaeyoung walked inside five minutes later. unfortunately, two girls saw her.

at the end of the day, chaeyoung walked out of her last class last. and someone grabbed her to the other end of the hall. chaeyoung bit the person's hand, resulting to hearing their voice, "argh, you bitch!"

that voice belonged to none other than jieun. chaeyoung sighed when seeing them, she knew there was trouble heading her way.

suddenly, jieun slapped her and pushed her onto the ground. chaeyoung hissed at the stinging sensation on her cheek while she was now on the floor. "chan is mine now."

jieun grabbed chaeyoung's collar, "know your place, peasant." jieun glared, tightening her grip on chaeyoung's collar.

to her surprise, a group of boys were still on campus. "chan?!" jieun exclaimed, surprised. chan only glared at her, walking towards her calmly.

"chan! she punched me!!" jieun exclaimed, hiding her face, pretending she's crying. chan scoffed, pushing jieun out of the way and going to help chaeyoung up.

jieun clung onto chan's arm, pulling him back from chaeyoung. "jieun, let go!" chan yelled, pushing her off, turning back to chaeyoung. he helped her up and walked away from jieun.

before they walked further, chan turned his head, "we're over." jieun looked at him in shock, then glaring at chaeyoung, "this is all your fault!!" she yelled out of anger.

the boys and chaeyoung walked out of the building, stone faced. they walked to the boys' dorm, as it was closer to the school than chaeyoung's house.

the girl sat in silence as chan and the boys sat around her. "what?" she asked, looking at everyone. they were baffled, "what do you mean, what?" hyunjin asked. "you just got attacked!" jeongin added.

chaeyoung chuckled, "i was only slapped. you act like i was shot." the boys who were with her yesterday hugged her tightly, followed by the older boys, leaving chan alone.

he watched the other kids, seeing that they're comfortable with her after those many days they've been gone. chan sighed, joining the hug awkwardly in the back.

everyone released the hug, apologising to chaeyoung as she just chuckled, "it's fine." she forgave them, but that doesn't mean that she wasn't hurt. she suffered a lot, and being alone for those weeks was harder to handle now that she considered them her bestfriends.

they all conversed for awhile, then, the boys suddenly stood up and walked into their rooms, leaving chaeyoung and chan alone. there was an awkward silence. none of them knew what to say. it was harder to feel comfortable now. they've been gone from each other for far too long.

chaeyoung cleared her throat, "so,, did you have fun with jieun?" without answering, chan went in for a hug. he tightly wrapped his arms around her as if she was slipping from him slowly. chaeyoung was shocked, she didn't know what to do.

she was frozen in place, no words came from her mouth. slowly, she wrapped her arms around him gently. "i'm sorry," he muttered, "i'm so sorry." chaeyoung could hear the sorrow and regret in his voice, and she softened at it.

she played with his hair as he positioned his head in the crook of her neck, "it's okay, chan." she reassured, smiling softly.

chan felt guilty. he left her for weeks, alone. the fact that she forgave him after he did that made him feel worse. chan realises that only chaeyoung was his true childhood friend.

jieun was a witch, interfering with their blossoming love.

ooOOoooOo long time no update? idk but sorrryyy its kinda short!! its good aye? i hopee you guys enjoyed this chapter & have a nice dayyy

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