Chapter 3- Reason

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With each horrid step that B.I took, a sudden familiar voice called out.

"B.I" lifted his head to see his best friend's smile.

"Jayyyy!" Yep. That's him. Kim Jin Hwan.

Hands held tight, hugging each other.

"Ya! I heard that you've been bummed out lately that's why I came."

"Hyung... Can I talk to you? Let's go to the house..." A sudden sad tone filled up B.I's voice.

"Oh, alright"

"But Hyung... Can we take your car instead?"


"I just don't want to be with my body guard"

Let me talk to him first.

*tak tak tak*

The sound of Jay's shoes, tapping Daniel on the shoulder. Shocked at what Jay is doing he asked.

"Hyung, why are you here?"

"I mean Daniel... I'll explain everything to you later. But right now, I'm gonna go with B.I to his house. You can follow us but don't be too obvious."

"Oh. Alright."

Jay patting Daniel's shoulder and step by step leaving.

"B.I let's go."

B.I following his hyung.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Hyung... Don't tell this to anyone. I... I... The reason I don't want to be with him is because---"

His reason fell short, a phone call went trough his phone.

A little while after the phone call Daniel showed up, that led to B.I shutting his mouth and just having a drink with Jay.

"B.I let's stop drinking here. It's already night time, you're really drunk right now. Go to your room, alright? Take a shower before you sleep."

"Hyung, can't you stay? I don't want to be alone."

"You are not alone B.I, your body guard is here."

Walking away, feigning ignorance of B.I's request, he talked to Daniel for a short while.

"Take care of him."

"I know."

"Well, bye now."

"Oh, take care hyung."

"You too."

*tak tak tak*

Daniel's shoes were the only sound you can hear.

"B.I, let's go." Taking B.I's arm over his shoulder and assisting him to stand up.

On the way to the room B.I utters gibberish. As to what Daniel thought.

Carefully placing B.I down, he prepared a hot bath. Undressing B.I, he suddenly spoke.

"Ya, Daniel! What are you doing?!"

"Just stay still."

Drunk he uttered words.

"Daniel... You know why I hate to be with you?"

Answering B.I


B.I laughed and said

"I don't fully remember you." He laughed again

"But I do know that I liked you. No, I love you. Still."

Shocked at B.I's statement, he looked at him and he was already fast asleep.

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