Chapter 8- The meeting (part 1)

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"Hyung, have you seen a ring, it's in a necklace. I lost it a few days ago."

"You mean this?"

In excitement and relive B.I ran towards Daniel and hugged him tight.

"Thank you hyung! I thought I lost it!"

It wasn't long until B.I realized he was hugging Daniel.

"Oh... Sorry hyung"
And B.I pushed away.

"It's fine."

"I'm afraid someone will get angry at you?"

"That person doesn't mind."

"Are you sure?"


"Can I come meet that person some time?"

"I... Don't know."

"Please hyung" in a pleading voice, Daniel gave in.

"I'll... I'll ask him."

And with a smile, B.I turned his back and went up.

"I knew it. Who are you? Really? I don't know you anymore. What did you do with my parents' ring."

*ring ring ring*

"Love, are you free?" A sad tone was heard on the other side of the line.

"Why love?"

Noticing Daniel on the phone, B.I came down with more careful steps, not even making a sound. He whispers to himself. "Love...? Is he talking to his lover?"

"Nothing... I just miss you, that's all."

"I miss you too, I'll text you when I can, I'll have HQ send someone over here."

"You'll do that?" With a grin on Ju-ne's face he added "You're really the best."

"Just you is enough." As he noticed B.I at the back he said goodbye and I love you and then hung up.

"Was that your lover?" One brow raised up B.I asked.

Flustered Daniel said yes.

"Why did he call?"

"Nothing" playing with his two fingers he replied.


"Actually... Can someone else guard the house and you later...? I need to see my lover."

"Just invite that person here. I'll prepare dinner."

"Don't look too much into it. I'll just meet him."

"Hyung, it's been 2 weeks since I asked you if I can meet with your lover."


He was cut off with B.I bugging him still, he gave in.

Daniel was going to get out to make the phone call until B.I stopped him

"No need to go out, just make the phone call here."

With mixed emotions he called Ju-ne.


"Uhm... Love? Can I just pick you up, B.I wants to meet you..."

"Are you sure?" He glanced at B.I that was already staring at him.

"Yes. Be there in 30 minutes."

At the back of B.I's mind "Was that a man's voice?"

"I-I'll be right back. I'll just pick him up."

"Oh, take care."

And Daniel went out.

At Ju-ne and Daniel's place

*ding dong, ding dong*

and at the door step a dashing, beautiful man opened the door.

Daniel's eyes were filled with glitter. He has always seen Ju-ne in a suit, but he had never looked so dashing.

He hugged him tightly and dragged him to the car.

"Let's go." Daniel hurriedly said.

"Hey. Just one thing. I don't want you looking at him alot. I'm quite a jealous man you know?" Daniel said with a wide grin on his face.

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