Chapter 22- Meet him

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Sorry about the very late update. This is supposed to be last weeks update, sorry to keep you guys waiting. I'm still loaded with works from my personal life(I'm dying for a rest) I don't think I can publish this weeks chapter(please forgive meee😫) please, continue to wait and support even though sometimes, I may not follow the schedule. Love ya'll

A notification popped in Bobby's phone early in the morning

The screen reads

From: CEO Xanatos

Go to HQ. We need to talk.

He heard a small rustle and it was B.I waking up.

"Goodmorning babe" Bobby greets as he pecks B.I's lips.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Bobby asks. A naughty beguiling smile was fast pasted on B.I's face "You" he answers.

Bobby ran his thumb around B.I's jaw and lifted his chin "So naughty early in the morning" and he pecks B.I's lips. He stands up and smiles "I'll cook bacon and eggs. Don't go down. I'll just bring it up" B.I smiles.

- at the HQ -

Bobby knocked on the glass door and opened it. He greets Xanatos with a smile.

Xanatos points at a couch near a shelf, where he does all his meetings. He crosed his arms and legs and sat down with a little more comfort he asks "Are you and Ju-ne dating?"  He raises a brow.

"N-no sir..." Bobby stutters to answer.

Disappointed Xanatos replies "You know that I can know the truth. I just wanted to hear it straight from you" Bobby closes his eyes and nods a yes. 

"Then what do you know about him? Like his family background?"

Bobby thinks for a while then answering. "Well... I do know that Ju-ne's parents are both death-crime angels but I don't know who.... I know he's an only child... His family is rich..."

Xanatos smirks and tells Bobby the shocking news "I'm his father" Bobby was so shocked that the news didn't even process well.

"As a father... Can you break up with my son?" He pauses. "Right now... I know that you're cheating on him with B.I... Do you know that we adopted B.I when he was a kid...?" His eyes started to shake "I don't know what to do if Ju-ne's DID occurs again... I don't want my child suffering again!" Tears started to fall "so please... Let him go. If you can't love him like the past years then leave him... Don't make a fool out of my son. Please!"

"H-he has DID...?"

"Yes. His alters didn't show because for the past years you kept him happy. But right now... I'm so afraid that his alters would need to protect him again. So please... Leave him alone..."

Bobby covers his face with both of his hands and remove the sweat running trough his temples.

With a much more pleading voice Xanatos says "I don't want him much more hurt. Let him go while he can still cope with it."

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