Chapter 6- Forgive me (Part 1)

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Warning: R 18+

Fast walks caused the hallways with such loud noise.

Daniel running towards Ju-ne. At his catch, he hugged Ju-ne from the back tightly.

"Ah, jinja. Let me go!" Angry, Ju-ne raised his voice.

Daniel didn't even move an inch, he kept on hugging Ju-ne. He dug his face on Ju-ne's back and says something softly.

"Love... I'm sory... Please."

With Daniel's hand softening it's grip, Ju-ne ran out and drove his car. Daniel couldn't even catch up to him. He decided to leave him some space and just go to their home later.

"Love..." Daniel shouts, looking for Ju-ne

No response and their house was just silent.

He went up to their room and found Ju-ne lying down on their bed.

He sat at the corner and said "Love, I'm sorry..." He then moved to Ju-ne's back and hugged him. "Love? Please?" He nuzzles his nose to Ju-ne's face. "Let me make it up to you."

Daniel started carresing Ju-ne's face and started to shower Ju-ne with light kisses.

"I'm tired" Ju-ne shuts his eyes.

"Love" Daniel called out and bit Ju-ne's ear, feeling every inch of Ju-ne's body.

"Please? Love?"  With his persuading and pleading voice Ju-ne faced him.

Daniel's face glowed up and he smiled, in response Ju-ne smiled too. Daniel started to kiss Ju-ne, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.

Daniel's hand moved swiftly on Ju-ne's body, his hand went under the bottoms shirt, breaking the kiss just to take of their shirts. Undressing the bottom piece by piece. And Daniel started undressing too. His hand started to move downwards to the bottoms hips when Ju-ne's hand stops it. Shocked he kissed Ju-ne on the ear.

"Let me top you tonight and I'll forgive your mistakes. " a smirk left on both of their faces, their positions flipped and Ju-ne pinned Daniel down the bed.

"Let's wake up Jiwon junior shall we?" Ju-ne smirked and started kissing Daniel from his lips down to every inch of Daniel's body. He starts to deepen the kiss and prepare Daniel's entrance.

"Love, are you ready?" He smirks as he leans down to kiss Daniel.
"Do me" he pauses "hard."

Still doing hand work, Ju-ne thrusts his first finger in, then the second... Until he hit the right spot and made his love shiver. "I'm just getting started and you're already ready to cum." He teases.

I'm sorry this suddenly became dramatic and R18. Lol hahaha. I'll publish the 2nd part which is the ending of the Forgive me chapter on Wednesday so you wouldn't wait long😂

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