Chapter 4- My Who?

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The curtain slightly open, just a ray of sunlight coming trough B.I's window.

Half naked B.I started to wake up, with unbearable headache someone suddenly opened the door.


Shocked, B.I half naked on his bed, the sunlight showering his body, that six pack abs shone like glitters, and to his instinct he covered himself with a blanket.

"I already saw everything." Daniel teasingly said.

"What?! When?!"

"Last night. You drunkard." Slow steps took place as he teasingly leaned over B.I's face, both hands inside his black suit's pockets.

"Now get up and shower, you have a schedule to follow."

"Oh--oh -- allright... J-just get out first!"

Daniel teased him more as he leaned in even more until he finally stood up and got out.

"Wha-what's my schedule for today?"

Slowly moving towards the stuttering B.I

"Why are you stuttering?"


"You're even avoiding eye contact."

A smirk left at Daniel's lips.

"Aish. I told you it's nothing! Let's just go!"

A laughing Daniel followed a sulky B.I

"But... Hyung..."

Daniel's face glows up, it's an achievement to make B.I call him hyung.

"Ah. I mean... Is it fine for me to call you that?"

"Yeah, sure, anything you want to call me."

"Hyung... Did I say anything weird last night...?"

"Hm... I don't know" Daniel teasingly replies.

Looking at the rear view mirror B.I looked bummed out.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Huh? Oh... Yes" his shocked response.

"Seriously? Nothing's bothering--" Daniel's supposed to be question was cut off when someone calls him trough his phone.

The screen reads:

My one and only~❤️

With no intent of picking up he declined the call. A few more calls went in until B.I finally spoke.

"Hyung, why arn't you answering? It may be important."

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing I'm sorry if I disturbed you." Flustered, he didn't say anything more.

His notifications went crazy that led B.I to get a little bit annoyed.

"Ah, jinja. Hyung" B.I snatched Daniel's phone and saw the name on the notifications.

"Hyung, who is this?"

"Oh, it's just someone. No one important."

Sad, he returned the phone.

"No one? But the person is named 'my one and only'" B.I says wryly.

His restless mind began the talk to his inner self.

"He already has someone... Why did he make my heart flutter just now...?"

The second restless mid also began a conversation with his inner self.

"Urgh. I can't take it. I feel like I'm cheating on my love..."

The car was then filled with silence and a depressed tone suddenly rose.

"Hyung, I'm going home alone tonight... Please just this once..."

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