Chapter 10- Jealous

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After getting home Ju-ne just rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Still contemplating what went wrong Bobby (Daniel) followed him to the bathroom. Both were naked, but their bodies didn't feel hot. Bobby hugged Ju-ne from the back, and just like what he always does, he says sorry.

Ju-ne pulled away and told Bobby to go. But with hesitation and the feeling of something's wrong, he didn't leave. He hugged Ju-ne one more time, nuzzled his nose on Ju-ne's back.

"What happened? Why were you like that? Huh?" And he held Ju-ne's arms and faced Ju-ne to him.

"What's wrong, tell me?"

"Nothing." A wry reply turned Bobby much more sad, he also felt a little bit guilty.

He kissed Ju-ne on the lips and asked again.

"Love, what's wrong?"

Finally, Ju-ne gave an answer.

"Fine. I'm jealous, happy?" Upon hearing the response, Bobby chuckled.

"I heard that. It's not funny." An annoyed face quickly looked at Bobby.

"I'm sorry. Tell me what made you jealous."

"I'm not only jealous. I'm also disappointed in you."


"How can you tell him that it's fine for him to hug you? That no one would get angry? And Jinhwan hyung told you that it's just work. You shouldn't have other relationships. How could you let him call you hyung?"

"Then what do you want him to call me? Sir?"

Arguing, Ju-ne already finished showering, he left the bathroom and Bobby had to rush to talk to him.

"C'mon, love. You know that I don't like formalities at my workplace." He acted cute infront of Ju-ne, which doesn't happen too often just when Ju-ne wouldn't budge.

In a cute voice he said "ehh loveeeee. Forgive me pleaseee, please, pleaseeee"

Ju-ne just feigned ignorance.

Bobby gave up and snuck himself under the sheets. The sulky 'lil man, was kissed on the forehead.

"Goodnight, love"

Ju-ne snuck himself in the sheets too, with both backs facing each other, Bobby glanced a little and finally hugged Ju-ne while sleeping.

With a wide grin he whispers "Sorry. I won't do it again. I promise." And Ju-ne held Bobby's arms.

The moon was the only thing seen, with it's light shining trough a little bit of the window, the two love birds ended their argument and slept soundly in each others arms.

Morning came and everything else just seemed to be normal. Except for the trust that continued to be built up by what just happened.

Love truly is something magical. You can love someone so much, but you can also hurt so much.

I won't be updating for 2 weeks, everything is just not so easy right now. I'm so stressed. I'm sorry to everyone, all the readers that are waiting for updates. I'm really really sorry, I hope you can wait

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