Chapter 38- Our Wedding

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Our theme song played, slowly he walked down the aisle. I couldn't bear the tears that soon flowed down my cheeks. I looked at him, he looked like a flower that just blossomed during spring. His lips, those luscious lips curled up to a smile and his eyes, god, I could look at them and fall deeply inside the universe.

I drowned in the happiness I felt. He stood infront of me, infront of all the people we love. I didn't know that Jinhwan invited the orphanage we always went too. He was always there, looking at the kids whenever we had a fight.

We chose this bright little kid, he always welcomed us and hugged us whenever we visited, to be our ring bearer. He looked so cute.

The ceremony went well. Its time for my vow, my heart beat went crazy and my eyes water.

"Thank you, for marrying me. I won't vow to anything but I'll make your everyday precious, filled with laughter and joy. We'll build a family that's perfect, perfectly happy. I know you want a child and I can't give you that. You want to be a father and I can't give you that. But here's one thing I can give you" I paused and looked at out ring bearer, called him over.

I knelt infront of him and held his small little hands, smiled at him.

"Seo Joon-ah," I caressed his plump red cheeks, "Would you like me and Jinhwan hyung over there" I looked at him, standing by the alter, confused. "Would you like us to be your father? Your forever family? I promise to give you the best life you deserve" Seo Joon, the 6 year old kid standing infront of me, cried and smiled at me.

"I-I would love that" I stood up with Seo Joon's left hand on my right, "Looks like we won't just be signing wedding papers today but also adoption papers"

Jinhwan, my lovely husband, couldn't even bear to speak a word. His eyes were filled with tears. I slid my thumb over his ceeks, drying up his tears. I wanted him happy, today and forever.

"You..." He spoke inbetween breaths, "You made me so happy today. I can't explain how happy my heart feels right now. I can't promise anything too, but I will do my best to love you and to make you happy"

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