Chapter 5- The Ring

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Daniel touched his ear piece. "Call head quarters"

"Jay, I found it."

"Bring it back to HQ."

And the phone call ended.

A few days ago

"Why did he even get this drunk? And why did hyung just leave hime here?" Tired and breathless Daniel sat at the corner of the bed.

A shining object at the neck of B.I attracted his eyes. The thought suddenly came to him. It is the ring! He then got it and prepared the bath. After everything he went to his room.

Agonized and confused of what to do, he thought "I was sent here for this, I should bring this to HQ."

He stood up and went around the room. "B.I won't notice right?"

The night had past.

The present

"Oh, you're here."

"Yep, here's the ring."

The ring turned out to be a micro USB.

"The file is still encrypted. Why is this?"

"Huh? That can't be. Every file that we had to get for this case was not encrypted."

A few moments of thinking went by, until a message popped up in the screen.

"To the person looking for this, now that you have found it. Please. Protect my child and love him. I know, that right now, you aren't one of the big 4. Please, protect him. I, we may no longer be here when you find this. Half of the other file and the code for the decryption of this file is in his hands. You'll get it once you know him. Please help and bring back this country to it's own two feet. -Agent X"

"What's this? It's a message from agent X." Dumbfounded Jay said.

"Who's agent X?"

Donghyuk and Ju-ne suddenly came.

Avoiding eye contact with Ju-ne, Daniel answers.

"She's a Xanatos just like us. She was exiled from our world and here because her husband betrayed him."

"What? Was there a rule like that?" Then the two others, Chanwoo and Song came

"Well... It was when we were trainees, the rules won't be disclosed until 1 year before you officially became a Xanatos. That's why only me and Daniel knew about it. There are different rules for trainees right?"

"You guys were 4 years apart from us right? Because you were hesitant to be a Xanatos at first."

"The rule was taken out on your 3rd year. Before the rules were disclosed."

"If it was taken out, why hasn't agent x come back?" Chanwoo curiously asked

"Well... We're not really sure." Daniel answers wryly.

"But... Daniel why are you avoiding Ju-ne" Song suddenly asks out of the blue which led the room with a deafening silence.

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