Chapter 2- Unsewn Lips

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"Name: Kim Han Bin.
Stage name: B.I.
A famous singer, songwriter, choreographer. Your mission is to find the final code in the President corruption case file."

"But why does he have the final code?"

"He's the great grandson of the president. The code was and is still unknowingly handed down to the children of the family."

"What do you mean unknowingly?"

"The president handed down his ring, it wasn't just any ordinary ring. Well they thought it was just something ordinary. No one knows B.I is the great grandson of the president, this is confidential information. Okay?"

"I know, I know."

"You know that there's 4 big people accused of being the presidents conspirators."

"I know. I have to be careful. Then, if there's nothing else I'll get going now, thank you, Hyung"

"Bobby... Kim Ji Won... From living as B.I's body guard until the end of the job you have to live as Daniel Park. And treat this job as just a job. I don't want you to be attached to him or anything. I know you Ji Won."

"Alright hyung. I'll get going now."

"Take care."

Ji Won left the room... Should I say Daniel Park.

"This little brat... He didn't even tell me he was the presidents grandson. Ahh, finally seeing this little rascal after 15 years."

~ Present ~

"You'll have to go to the company for further instructions."

"What? My schedule has already been made? What do you mean further instructions?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Kim, but from now on I'm not only your bodyguard, Every schedule must go trough me first."

"What the heck?!"

Daniel's thoughts are finally uttered.

"I couldn't protect you last time, allow me to do that now."

Confused at what his body guard just said, he replied words he didn't even notice.

"And allow me to pay you back for everything that you did for me."

Surprised at what he said Daniel asked.

"What did you just say?"

Flustered he acted annoyed and shut the door strongly.

"Why did I say that? No one can know I remembered him." B.I's mind just couldn't rest.

"Is he finally remembering me now...?" The second restless mind utters to himself.

*tok tok tok*

"CEO Yang, B.I's here."

"Alright, let him in."

B.I went in and greeted the CEO.

The CEO smiled as a response.

"Sit down" his voice was so calm and organized that it was somewhat scary.

"So B.I, I'll get straight to the point. Your body guard Daniel, he's now your manager. Everything you do you must report to him."

Out of respect B.I bowed and left the room not even uttering a single word.

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