Chapter 17- The DNA

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"First of all. What is 'The DNA'? The DNA is full of people who rebelled against their agent parents. Does any of you know 'The Xanatos'?" A man at the back raised his hand.

"I do. I know that organization."

"Really? Then what are they?"

"Crime angels." The man says with a deep voice "those who want to alter the future."

"Is your parents one of them?"

"My parents died because of them."

"if your parents died, who are you rebelling against?"

"The system" He says with a dignified voice.

"Mister, what's your name?"


"Sebastiene, what is it about the system that you don't like?"

"You know. Everything about our system."

"I can't fathom why you hate the system. It's us who make the system. You should hate us."

The whole class gasped.

"Stop murmuring. It's true. We create our own system"

"But sir, I can't change everything"

"Exactly! We need everyone to change the system. Let me tell you. I myself was once a crime angel. I was reborn to the person of who I am now because I was able to alter one future. This is my reward."

"What future was that sir?"

"Well, I didn't fully alter it, because up until now, there's still so many crime angels."

"So... Your mission was to kill the crime angels? How could that alter future?"

"My mission was..." He looked at the man in the eye with fierce looks "to stop the production of crime angels."

The class gasped again

"How is that possible sir? You can stop these people from attempting suicide?"

"Well, making everyone feel loved is one. Not just those normal people you call"

"What do you mean normal sir?"

"What I mean is, we should love everyone, the crippled, the sick, the imprisoned, everyone. Including the LGBTQ community."

"Then sir..."

"What is it?"

"I won't hate the system. Help me be part of The DNA and I'll do my best!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course sir!"

"Let me tell you. We are not really rebelling against our parents, it's against the organization's rules. We all work as one here, we also help The Xanatos. We are a sub unit of them. Do you still want to be part of The DNA?"

"Yes sir! I stand for my choice!"

And many other people stood up and and shouted

"Me too!"

A wide grin was pasted on the mysterious agents face.

A man at the back who was silently listening crossed his arms and said

"But... Who are you sir?"

The mysterious agent raised his head and looked the man in the eye.

"Me?" He asks. The man nodded

"I'm Kim Hanbin. Call me B.I"

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