Chapter 19- Lies Revealed

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DK and Chan knocked at Ju-ne's door

Without any answer from their hyung they still opened it.

"Hyung..." DK calls out. He finds Ju-ne lying down on his bed with a disappointed look.

DK and Chan came up to him and sat with each corner of the bed.

"What's wrong hyung? You just came from meeting with your boyfriend and you look like this? What happened?" Chan worriedly asks.

"Just..." He kicked the bed that made DK and Chan startled "ugh! I don't know anymore!"

"What happened hyung?" DK kept on pestering Ju-ne

"Can you use your special feature with one thing?" Ju-ne wryly replies

"Yeah, sure. Anything for my brother what is it?"

"Call Bobby, with just his voice I know you can find out anything."

"Hyung. You know it doesn't work on your lovers. Dad told me to not put my nose in your love lives."

"It's worth to try. I won't drain you. I promise."

"Fine. Then you call him."

Ju-ne calls Bobby three rings before he picks up.

"Yes? Love?" A wry greeting from Bobby

"Nothing... Just wanted to tell you dad called me home" Ju-ne looked at DK who was using all his strength.

"Oh? Really? Why?"

"Just some family stuff" DK gave Ju-ne a thumbs up as a sign that he's done.

"Then... Love... I'll call you later. Don't stay up too late, I love you." Ju-ne replies as Chan and DK cringes.

"You too, I love you"

Ju-ne dropped the phone call and looked at DK.

"So what is it?"

"Hyung... Don't get mad at me? Okay?" With nervous eyes DK looked at Ju-ne's chest where his heart is placed.

DK pointed at it. "You're heart will be troubled. Promise me you won't do anything."

Ju-ne held DK's hand and promised.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Of course. I really want to know."

DK looked at Ju-ne one more time, looked down and closed his eyes as he utters 4 words slowly.

"He's. Cheating. On. You."

Chan gasped and Ju-ne suddenly froze.

DK patted Ju-ne on the shoulder as he tries to comfort him.

"I knew it." Ju-ne utters.

"Since when?" Chan asks

"A few months ago. At first it was just a hunch."

"Hyung? Want me to erase your memory?" Chan says.

DK smacked Chan in the head and hisses "This isn't the time for jokes."

Chan pouted.

"Why are you still worried about him? He's fucking cheating on you!" Chan stood up and pointed at Ju-ne "C'mon hyung wake up! If he's doing this it means he doesn't love you anymore! Wake the hell up!"

Ju-ne smacked Chan on the head and hissed "I know! I'm a fool for putting up with this! But I'm still older than you!"

"Don't tell dad. He'll kill Bobby. For sure." Ju-ne says with a frown pasted on his face.

Sorry for the late update. I got sick last night

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