Chapter 34- Caught

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"We got a location, sir!" The room was soon filled with excitment, we'll finally get him.

"Send in choppers and deploy Alpha and Bravo  Team immediately. Charlie team will be coming with me." I soon ran out of the room and a few moments later the chopper was already at the roof top.

"Don't get yourselves hurt. Let's go!" I said before deploying the team. I hope all of this goes well.

Everything was hectic and everyone was... I don't know. We're finally getting the man we've been chasing.

Soon, we all landed in the bases. Everyone was deployed immediately.

The process was tiring but we caught him, finally.

"Kim Jae Hwan, you are under arest for 8 counts of murder by Interpol. Anything that you say will be used against you in the court of law."

He was straggling as he was refusing the soldiers, cops, and all the people that handled him during the arrest. He stoppd infront of me and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Get out of Interpol now. Before you get stirred up in this mess" he says, and so he was dragged away from me.

What was that?

With the curiousty, I decided not to call interpol that we've caught him. I went back with the team to interrogate him.

I know I shouldn't have done it but, as soon as we got into the interrogation room I turned of all the cameras and mics. I looked at him, stared at him.

He doesn't look much of a serial killer, in fact he could pass as an idol with that kind of face.

He had thick eyebrows, fair skin, and his lips were just right red.

What the heck am I even saying? I've got a boyfriend waiting for me.

I raised his head as it never looked anyone in the eyes as soon as he got inside the cars. I tried to intimidate him, he smirked. Looked me in the eyes.

"I'm no serial killer. Although, I clean their mess up. Get out of interpol, Kim Ji Won, or else you'll end up like me."

"What are you saying?!" I couldn't help it as I slammed the desk. Everything was confusing.

"Interpol. They put all the blame on me. Why? Because the seriel killer is one of them!" He saw me averting my gaze, refusing to believe him.

"If you still want to get married to your man, alive. You better get the hell out of interpol," He bows his head again, "After you send me to interpol expect my body to be found somewhere, dead"

That's when I made the risk. The decision of taking this man with me. Safe.

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