Chapter 44- Epilogue 6

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Omegaverse version: Epilogue 3 (Double B)
Long chapter ahead, please do expect errors ahead. Love ya'll.
Bobby's POV

Uncle has already left and I'm just waiting for Hanbin to wake up. I sat beside him, holding his hands as I felt my phone vibrate beside me. I looked at the name and it was a text from my beloved brother-in-law, Chan.

"You blew me off again! I'm not free for next week. So just call the family. I know my brother can't go again and he might've just gotten his IV drops. Just do a video call when he wakes up"

We wanted to tell them in person, but since Chan wouldn't be free and Hanbin has to rest, I guess a video call would be enough.

The hand entangled with mine moved, it was a sign that Hanbin has regained his consciousness.

"Hey" I say softly as I lean down towards him. "I'm sorry I tired you out like that. I really am" I tell him with lots of sincerity.

"Hey" he replies softly as he reaches out his hand to caress my cheek. Grazing his fingers over smoothly.

"It's okay. I love you" he bring my face close to his to kiss him. We kissed for quite sometime and broke it up to catch some breaths.

"I love you too" I caress his hand that was holding onto my cheek.

"By the way, Chan said he won't be free next week so we can just video call the family. I think he knows its something that must be said to everyone"

"Then let's do it tomorrow, before dinner"

"Sure, you should eat some soup first, I made it. After, we must rest. Uncle will give me a hard time if I don't obey him" I said with a small frown on my face. He chuckles and smiles at me, "Okay, love"

"Is everyone there right now? Is the connection good?" Hanbin asks, on one screen is the both of us, on the other is Jinhwan and Ju-ne, while on the other screen is DK, Song, Chan, and mom and dad.

"Yes son, you can tell us now" Mom said with a smile on her face, she was a bit anxious, I can see.

I looked at Hanbin and locked our eyes, saying its time and its okay.

"Mom, dad..." Hanbin continues, My hand holding his. He raised both of our hands and flashed it on the camera. "We're already married!" he suddenly says while showing our rings, I didn't expect he'd say it this way.

Mom and day were smiling yet crying, tears of joy I guess. DK, Song, and the other couple greats us a congratulations. Chan was a bit angry on the side yet he bursts out suddenly the words," Well, more profit for the company then. You and Jinhwan will make more profit 'cause alot of your fans expect their ships to be real and to get married"

Dad smacks Chan at the back of his head, "You! Why can' t you just congratulate them? Why do you have to talk about profits?"

Me and Hanbin laugh at our crazy family, I hug him tightly and the needle in my chest is finally gone. We've told them, and its time to tell the world.

Hanbin's POV

"Love, time to get our health check-up" I hear my husband's handsome voice shout from under the staircase.

I ran downstairs, dressed in a hoodie and a pair of pants. I hugged him tightly and kissed the crook of his neck. "To your uncle today, right?" I ask him with a peanut butter and jelly toast in my mouth.

"Yes, love" I bite into the toast leaving crumbs on my lips. Bobby kissed me, I really love our soft morning kisses. "That bread sure taste so good" he teases as he licks his bottom lip.

"The bread or..." I lean in closer to him, "Me?" I tease him.

"Hey, we can blow off Chan but not my uncle, told me he has a surprise for us"

"Really?" I got excited all of a sudden, "Then, let's get going now!" I rushed to the couch and gathered my things.

"Nothing unusual, everything's fine. But you must still always do these check ups, okay? Since Mr. Hanbin here..." he stops and gives Bobby a teasing look.

"Oh c'mon uncle. I've been gentle" my husband whined.

"Why have you been gentle, huh?" he raises an eyebrow and teases him even more.

"I don't know, I just no longer want to see him hurt. And I feel like it"

"Hmm" His uncle looks like he doesn't believe him at all, these two really.

"Maybe, the baby in his tummy made you gentle to its future parent?"

"B-baby?" I made him repeat it in shock.

"Yes, baby!" I looked at my husband and we had the same reaction. The reaction that we didn't want to show the doctor.

"Well, aren't you guys happy?" he asks us, we wore different reaction from people who got news like this. No tears or smiles from our faces, just shock and I don't know what else.

"I'll schedule you with an OB, he's a friend of mine. Here. Take care of your wife, Jiwon!"

We left the hospital and headed to our house. We were silent all the way, I couldn't stop holding my belly. I was still in disbelief.

After hours of silence, he finally spoke."This wasn't part of the plan, Hanbin. I wanted more time with you, just you and me!" he raised his voice suddenly that it startled me.

"A-aren't you happy about this?" I stutter in fear, I feel a lump forming in my throat.


He doesn't answer me and I just broke down crying. I know it isn't good for the baby but, I didn't know what else to do. He was acting like he didn't want it while all this time, I had been waiting for it.

I left the room and went to my parents' house. Sure, we didn't fight that much, but I wanted to be far from him.

It's midnight already and all I did was cry inside my room. Until I heard the doorbell, mom rushed to open the door, revealing Bobby. "Mom, I'm here to take hanbin home" I stared at him by the staircase, "I'm not coming with you!" I shout at him.

"Seems like you guys had a fight, it'll work out. I know" I heard mom say to him. She let him in and I heard slow footsteps approach my room.

"Hey" he sat down beside me on my bed, I hid my face on my hoodie, not wanting to see him.

He drapes his arms over my shoulders, hugging me closer to him.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I did some thinking. I know how much you have been wanting this, I'm sorry I've been insensitive about it. Let's do it, hm? Let's be parents, Hanbin" I sniffled and revealed my face to him.

"You're eyes are so puffy" He grazes his thimb over my cheeks, drying out the tears. He smiles at me lovingly. Soon, everything faded into the past. I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of this man.

I woke up, feeling the morning dew. Our bed still had the best sunlight. I reached out to my side, but Bobby wasn't beside me. Then I heard the water running on the bathroom. I'm now 9 months pregnant, soon to give birth. I sat up with this huge belly. It was hard, but we made it. I felt my belly getting stiff and pangs of pain started to unravel around my belly. I shouted in pain and my husband who had just finshed washing up ran out the bathroom.

"B-bobby! I-I think I'm going to give birth now!" I wailed in pain. My husband was so hysterical, he quickly grabbed the walkie talkie on the bed side almost dropping it and making it break.

"Ready the car, my wife's going to give birth!"

The next chapter would be the final chapter. With a happy heart, I am pleased to announce that The Xanatos can finally be wrapped up after 2 years. For everyone who has stayed since the beginning, thank you! Thank you very much! See you on the last chapter everyone, I love you!

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