Chapter 31- Lee Family

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"Lee corp?! The richest family in the world? Like the whole world!" I kinda shouted in both excitment and shock. The cold breeze that hugged me didn't bother me at all. The shock over flowed out of my body. I thought I was the only one shocked, until I looked at all their sons' faces.

"You guys didn't know too?" I asked them.

"Yeah, mom and dad never told us. All I know is that we're rich, not that crazy crazy rich" Ju-ne answers.

Mr. And Mrs. Lee, mom and dad, chuckled a bit, mom brushed back the hair that slightly covered her eyes.

"Let me tell you guys something" Mom said, then continued "We were even planning on not telling you guys that we're rich or we're the head of The DNA and The Xanatos. We planned on living simple lives" mom smiled.

She walked up to Yunhyeong and Jay, held them by the hand as she signaled me to go to them. She looked all three of us in the eyes, one by one. Seeking our souls, she smiled. "We did that, to find people that would love our children with all their heart. Not just because they're some crazy rich asian" she smiles "And I'm glad we found you guys. Please love my children with the utmost of your hearts, cherish them" a tear escapes her eyes, at the back our boyfriends were standing with their dad, and the single guy, Donhyuk, just stared at us with love in his eyes.

We all hugged it out but the new information hasn't sank in yet. B.I came from a rich family and was adopted by a crazy rich family. How am I supposed to give him the life he deserves? My man deserves to be treated as a prince if not, a king.

"Don't you guys worry about giving us the lives we deserve as children from a wealthy family" Hanbin said as he looked at me.

"Yeah, we love the way we guys are living right now" Chanwoo added.

Ju-ne just smiled at everything that's happening. "Take care of my brothers. If you don't, I'll come and kill you!" Donghyuk shouted then he laughed a little. Every little drama has come to an end, the only thing we need to do now is decode the final file and locate the secretary.

It's true, with love comes pain but, not all pain comes with love.

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