Chapter 30- Mission

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When we were strolling by the Han River I noticed Hanbin's family. They were crying with wide grins plastered on their faces. They came running to me and Hanbin, I knew it was gonna be trouble if I stay near him. So I stepped back a few and I was right, they hugged him tight. Hanbin would've flew to the air by the impact if only they weren't hugging.

Mr. Xanatos turned to me, a scary look in his eyes. "Now, Bobby. What was that mission you were talking about?"

"Well, Mr. Xanatos aside from the fact that I worked for you to get the final code from Hanbin, I also worked for interpol" I replied softly.

"But, how could interpol get in this? The final code was only about corruption in our country?" Mr. Xanatos asked.

"Well, Hanbin's great grandfather had a secretary who was wanted by interpol. He harbored a criminal. And while the final code is yet to be decoded, I need to find the secretary."

"What did the secretary do to be wanted by interpol?" Donghyuk chirped in.

"He's a serieal killer, with records across the world. Almost 5-6 victims each country. There is no way that he'd come back to Korea but since Hanbin's great grand father is in Korea and it was found that they had a connection, we're hoping he'd come back for the files." I replied as I drapped my hand over Hanbin's shoulder.

"We'll help you. We're family now" Mr. Xanatos said as he patted my shoulders. I smiled at him, being called his family or part of this family is such an honour.

"By the way, Mr. Xanatos--" I was cut off by him when whe told me that I should just call him "Dad" I smiled at him sheepishly and continued my talk "Dad" I smiled "If Hanbin is adopted but the message in the encrypted file is from Agent X, then we can get it done fast? Because that means Agent X knows the codes?" as soon as I finished, Agent X appeared behind dad. "Yoona-ya!" dad shouted, that is the first time I heard Mrs. Xanatos' name. Mrs. Yoona waved her hand, "Jongsuk!" she exclaimed.

I looked puzzled along with Yunhyeong. Because their names really does not go witg their surnames.

"Are you guys confused?" Mrs. Yoona asked, we nodded in response and in unison.

"We're mister and missis Lee. Owners of the Lee corp."

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