Chapter 43- Epilogue 5

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Omegaverse version: Epilogue 2 (Double B)
Long chapter ahead, please do expect errors ahead. Love ya'll.
Bobby's POV

I looked out the moving door- from our bed, you can see the sunrise and sunset that's why my wife had alwas looked so beautiful after we have sex. Its either we do it all night that we see the sunrise, or do it all day that we see the sunset.

We did it all morning again, we had an appointment with Chan at 8 am yet we blew it for sex. Chan's gonna kill me for not making his brother walk again, beats me though haha.

"Hanbin-ah, its sunset already"

He snuggles closer into my body and rests on my chest, "We blew off our appointment with Chan again" he says in a low, husky, and tired voice.

"Well, whose fault is that?" I whisper into his ears as I kiss the side of his neck, moving down his evident collar bones.

"Not mine" he pouts.

"Why are you so cute?" I tease as I pinched his nose lightly, just teasing him as I smile at his face that's being showered by the beautiful sunset.

"Wanna grabe something to eat?" I ask him as I raise an eyebrow. I snuggled back to his body, kissing the side of his neck which he tilts slightly. He likes soft kisses after sex.

"Let's cook something" He looks at me with loving eyes, it was like there were glitters in them. I fell inlove with his gaze all over again.

"I'm pretty sure you can't even walk right now, how else will you cook?" I tighten my arms around his body and breathes unto his neck. Placing small kisses everywhere I could get my lips on to.

"Then..." I look up to him, raised a brow, and kissed his cheek.

"Cook for me!" He says with a cute voice, a bit more and I'm sure he'd do aegyo just for me to cook for him even though he doesn't like doing that.

"Pleaseeee, hubby" his cute tone of voice that he uses whenever he wants a favor never fails to make my heart flutter.

"Fine fine. You should rest a bit longer. I'm going to ask the doctor to come in a bit later, okay?" he raises his fingers to form the okay sign and smiles widely at me. He kissed my swollen lips, sucking on the bottom lip and licking the line between them asking for entrance.

I kiss back and let our tongues dance along with each other. We break the kiss and a string of saliva draws from each end of our mouths.

"I love you, my husband" he places his hand on my cheek, caressing it as his thumb draws over my chin.

"I love you too, my wife" I kiss his forehead and smiled at him.

I took my phone with me and walked towards the door, I dialed our personal doctor's number as I raise my other hand to opened the door, looking at my wife before leaving the room.

"Yes doctor, is it okay for you to come right now?"

[You guys did it again] He chuckles.

"Now I'm embarrassed. You really know" I laugh, "Well, he's hurt alot now. So, we need you here. Thank you in advance, Doc! I'll pay you handsomely this time!"

[Alright alright, no need to pay me that much! I'm already earning enough from my pay]

"You always take care of my wife when we do this, even if its your day off, so you eserve it"

He shrugs it off and continued the conversation, our doctor is a shy and humble person so I understand.

[Cook him some seaweed soup this time and, prepare a little bit of sweets too.]

"Sweets?" He never told me that Hanbin can eat sweets after, that's why I never let him eat chocolates after.

[The sweets are for me, little kid. I'll be so tired after taking care of what you did to your wife. I need sweets to replenish my energy]  he says sarcastically at the end of the line.

"Yes yes, Uncle" I smile and hang up the phone.

I turn to our kitchen and prepare everything that is needed.

I hear the doorbell ring and rushed towards the door to open it. "Uncle, you're finally here"

I let him in and walked towards the kitchen to get the soup and sweets that I had prepared.

"He's upstairs, inside the room. Might be sleeping" I tell our doctor, who infact, is my uncle too.

He followed me behind as we went up the stairs. I epened our bedroom door and he was fast asleep. I called my wife out a few times, but he did not respond. Anxious, I placed the food tray down by the door, of course I was still careful not to let the dishes break or the soup to spill.

Uncle and I rushed towards him, I held my wife's hand anxiously as my uncle examines his pulse. "He just fainted from being tired. Don't be so worried" I sighed in relief.

"Next time, don't over do it. Its hard for you wife. See, his hands are full of injection marks. Everytime you guys do it, I have to put and IV bag on him"

I bend over to kiss my wife's neck, whispering him an I'm sorry. I love him so much that I keep on losing myself whenever we do it.

"Say sorry to me too, will you?" Uncle raises a brow at me while he listens to Hanbin's breaths.

"I'm sorry too, uncle. I keep calling you in lately" He smiles at me.

"With the money I get just from my home services for you, I'll be able to resign and just build my own practice" He jokes.

"Oh, you want your own practice? I can give it to you, uncle! Just promise me you'll take care of my wife!"

His face turned serious, I was dumbfounded as I thought he was really serious about his own practice. But he stands up and smacks me in the head.

"Just take care of him? Will you? I'll stay until the IV runs out, after that you must feed him and let him rest for a week. A week, okay?" He emphasizes on the last part.

"Yes, uncle. A week" I say, hoping to obey him.

"Let's head down, I prepared some sweets for you. You must've been tired"

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